Research Partners


  • AB Volvo 
  • Actrify AB
  • Aerobase Innovations AB
  • Affärsverken i Karlskrona AB
  • Canadian Space Mining Corporation
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • Cstrider AB
  • Dynapac
  • Electrolux Professional AB
  • FM – Swedish Armed Forces
  • FMV – The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
  • Gestamp
  • Gimic AB
  • GKN Aerospace
  • Holje Automotive
  • NCC Industry AB
  • NKT Cables
  • Peab Anläggning AB
  • Roxtex
  • Saab
  • Sandvik Coromant
  • Skanska Industrial Solutions AB
  • Sveriges Bergmaterialindustri SBMI AB
  • Tetra Pak
  • Trafikverket
  • Volvo Autonomous Systems
  • Volvo Cars Corporation
  • Volvo Construction Equipment
  • Volvo Group

Funding bodies

  • European Union
  • Knowledge Foundation
  • Region Blekinge
  • Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
  • Swedish Energy Agency
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Swedish Transport Administration

Ongoing projects

KKS jubileumsdoktorand | 2025-2029

This project aims to develop an innovation methodology applicable to both civilian and defense-oriented sectors, with a focus on marine technology. The participating PhD student will focus on mechanical engineering with a connection to systems engineering, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the project. The team supporting the PhD student (Professor Tobias Larsson, postdoc Jenny Elfsberg, Assoicate Professor Oskar Frånberg) has expertise in innovation, defense issues, and systems engineering. The project is conducted in close collaboration with companies such as Saab,…

KKS jubileumsdoktorand | 2025-2029
Tested – SOS | 2024-2027

Tested – SOS | 2024-2027

Tested Site Optimization Solutions (Tested-SOS) The goal is to implement and test a digital infrastructure that integrates various innovative servicesinto a unified, scalable digital platform. Tested-SOS aims to be the next step toward digital representation, simulation, and optimization in the off-road industry through simulation models that can mirror the physical world from system to site level. This will increase the understanding of how off-road sites can be optimized from a multi-dimensional perspective. It will also lower knowledge gaps to introduce…

Efficient Innovation Capability | 2024-2027

Project within joint BTH / Region Blekinge 50 MSEK initiative Innovation capability is at the core if you want to be able to rapidly adopt to new situations as anorganisation and to constantly improve your operation. This project will support an organisations’need to address upcoming challenges/problems (external and internal) and how to approachthose challenges by deploying minimum viable prototypes (digital and physical) to exploresolutions to the challenges and problems. The approach will be supported by previouslyresearched and developed methods and…

Efficient Innovation Capability | 2024-2027
CONVERGE II | 2024-2027

CONVERGE II | 2024-2027

CONVERGE II - En lösning för energidistributionen inom vägbyggnation & bergtäkt Det saknas idag en tillfredsställande systemlösning för elektrisk energidistribution som förser en maskinflotta som har 1) hög användningsgrad och 2) klarar höga laster, det vill säga hanterar ett stort antal ton och med större maskinstorlek, ca 20-100 ton. För entreprenader som färdigställs 2030 eller senare har Trafikverket inriktningen att 100% av den samlade energianvändningen för arbetsmaskiner ska komma från förnybar el eller hållbara biodrivmedel. I projektet samlas både industrin…

COLLIDE-XR: Collaborative Innovation for XR Accessibility and Development | 2024-2025

News 20241216: Forskningsprojekt sätter fokus på framtidens XR och AI 20240926: COLLIDE-XR Project Secures Funding for Cross-Atlantic Collaboration About The project aims to foster collaboration between Swedish and U.S. partners, drivinginnovation and enhancing the accessibility of emerging XR & AI technologies.Accessibility is crucial to enable companies to leverage XR capabilities for sustainabletransformation. COLLIDE XR envisions four key pillars of accessibility: Visualization, Interaction, Devices,and Content. Visualization plays a vital role in making data and models moreunderstandable, Interaction facilitates the easy editing…

COLLIDE-XR: Collaborative Innovation for XR Accessibility and Development | 2024-2025
CiSMA – Circular Steel for Mass Market Applications | 2024 – 2028

CiSMA – Circular Steel for Mass Market Applications | 2024 – 2028

Scrap-based production of Steel using Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) with possibility of 100 % scrap charges, offers a Circular Economy based solution to reduce CO2 emissions when compared to the integrated Blast Furnace (BF) + Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) route (1.81 tCO2/tsteel for BOF vs 0.23tCO2/tsteel for EAF). However, EAF production of sheet steel is currently not a reality due to the effect of undesired residual elements in the scrap. The aim of CiSMA is to introduce scrap-based EAF steel…

ADSUP – Advanced Contact Pattern Digitalization Set-Up for Stamping and High Pressure Die Casting Applications | 2024-2026

The ADSUP project further expands on the impact of the CAMBER project, reducing the lead time of tool tryout in the material forming industry. The tool cost for the manufacturing of components, i.e. in the automotive sector, has a huge impact on the total manufacturing cost, why a reduction of the effort and lead time to have a production ready tool is of high interest for the industry. The proposed project aims to digitize the spotting process of the tools,…

ADSUP – Advanced Contact Pattern Digitalization Set-Up for Stamping and High Pressure Die Casting Applications | 2024-2026
AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity in background, knowledge, and expectations among the stakeholders, raises the risk of misunderstandings in communicating values and tradeoffs, leading customers to hesitate when adopting innovative and sustainable solutions. Extended Reality…

PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024

The PROSUCCO project focuses on supporting sustainable Co-configurability of High Value Low Volume (HVLV) products in the conceptual design phase. The HVLV industry entails complex, flexible processes encompassing consistent effort in engineering to order. The PROSUCCO project aims to support the development of HVLV products by developing innovative engineering design and systems engineering approaches to consistently reduce the ad-hoc development and engineering-to-order activities by focusing on modular and reusable design configurations. The increased modularity in design is expected to consistently…

PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024
RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025

RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025

Resilience in electricity & charging systems - challenges and opportunities with marine public transport The project will investigate possible electrical systems for a transport system with passenger ferries in urban public transport. Investigate how a marine transport system can be integrated with energy storage and the power grid, and at the same time be flexible to withstand disturbances. This includes energy efficiency, resilience, charging and land infrastructure. The goal is to increase knowledge about system limitations, requirements for the transport…

RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST is a five-year project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four EU regions with different socioeconomic profiles: Southwest Finland, Central Denmark, Catalonia and Central Portugal.   Each region will test adaptation solutions to five key climate challenges: floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and soil erosion, and will bring together civil society, business, policymakers and the research community to work…

RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027
Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

News 202410: VPSL hosted inside Karlskrona Blue Port Studios 202410: New projects with VPSL as infrastructure; 1) CONVERGE II - En lösning för energidistributionen inom vägbyggnation & bergtäkt 2) COLLIDE-XR: Collaborative Innovation for XR Accessibility and Development | 2024-2025 202409: Installation of the VPSL 202407: Contract signed with Blå Hallen / Blåport for VPSL installation, starting September 1. 202406: Procurement finalized and Creative Technology the winner of the 13.5 MSEK tech order, delivery expected in August. 202405: New projects approved…

ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

The project will evaluate prospecting in lunar orbit and on the surface. The study will consider mining and construction capabilities as well as in-situ processing of resources. The project is funded by Canadian Space Agency. Project info BTH project leader: Professor Tobias Larsson Time span: 2022-2023 Funding: $248,000 (Canadian Space Agency) Partners: BTH Canadian Space Mining Corporation Canadian Space Agency Related links The Canadian Space Agency funds novel ideas for potential Moon infrastructure (2022-06-03) A Concept Design to Enable Lunar Mining (MSc thesis 2022)

ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023
Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

The rock material industry is one of the 21 industries that participate and together these 21 cover more than 70 percent of the emissions in Sweden. Achieving the high environmental goals in rock material production requires not only a transition to fossil- and emission-free operations, but also new thinking in terms of process and new machine concepts. The approach is to develop a new system solution for rock unloading that takes into account the boundary conditions that electrification entails. The…

TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024

In the project we are developing digitalized services to increase the level of trusted decision making to optimise overall site systems in off-road transport applications. By developing data-driven models for real-time simulation and optimisation of customer site operations, combined with advanced data analytics, we move from the current experience-based process to a model-based process that will enable us to deliver customer value in terms of services and trusted decision support. Developed models will be tested in a realistic testbed for…

TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024
Investigation of the Product Design Process in Informal Microenterprises in Tanzania | 2021-

Investigation of the Product Design Process in Informal Microenterprises in Tanzania | 2021-

The products that surround us (e.g. furniture, bicycles, etc.) are outcomes of design processes. Product design is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence and creativity, attracting not only experts but also workers and self- employed without any formal design training. Although numerous people in developing countries design and manufact simple products in metalworking informal microenterprises, there is very little systematic knowledge about their design process. This project aims to fill this fundamental gap in design knowledge. The overall goal of…

Health and Sports Technology Initiative | 2020-

In order to tackle the enormous public health challenge surrounding lifestyle diseases and an aging population, and at the same time creating the conditions for regional innovation and growth in health and sports technology, a regional long-term investment is started. The initiative will coordinate ideas, skills, and resources in a complete ecosystem. In addition, linked to collaborations within Sweden, the Nordic countries, Europe and also the rest of the world. There is tremendous potential for innovation and growth in this…

Health and Sports Technology Initiative | 2020-
MakerTruck | 2019-

MakerTruck | 2019-

Update 2024! MakerTruck blir nu "Mobilt Science Center" och är under Kreativums flagga. "Kreativum Science Center startar upp ett mobilt science center för att nå ut till fler barn och unga i Blekinge. Med projektet Maker Truck Blekinge kompletteras Kreativum science center-verksamhet med en mobil verksamhet. Under 2024 genomför Kreativum tillsammans med Blekinge Tekniska Högskola ett Makerspace-projekt “Maker Truck Blekinge”, där Kreativum Science Center blir mobilt. Under året kommer besök att genomföras på skolor, fritidshem och bostadsområden och andra platser i regionen…

SUCCCE – Smart use of communication in complex care environments

Accelerating the SUCCCE project The SUCCCE product consists of both hardware and software, and is operated by physical input and/or handsfree by voice. It is an innovation for alarm management and decision support for health care professionals. Medical information, such as patent vital signs, are presented on a heads-up display in the users field of view. The advanced data filtering in SUCCCE makes sure that alarms and information are received by staff with matching responsibilities. By using smart glasses with…

SUCCCE – Smart use of communication in complex care environments
AVANS – Development of Second-Cycle MSc Programme in Mechanical Engineering | 2019-22

AVANS – Development of Second-Cycle MSc Programme in Mechanical Engineering | 2019-22

Projektet syftar till att utveckla och påtagligt förnya Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Maskinteknik vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. Baserat på resultat från KKS forskningsprofil Model-Driven Development and Decision Support - MD3S, är målet att skapa ett program som utbildar och förbereder ingenjörsstudenter för digital produktutveckling där de kan samarbeta med företagspartners kring framtida innovationer i ett sammanhang och en miljö som genomsyras av modellering, simulering och data-driven utveckling av komplexa produkt-tjänste-lösningar. Genom designaktiviteter tillsammans med företag och studenter, kommer vi att ta fram…

Marine Engineering | 2015 –

With over 300 years of naval history, few other regions beside Karlskrona has marine engineering in its DNA to such an extent. Background With both the Coast Guard and the naval base in Karlskrona, it is natural that BTH invests in research in their areas of expertise; security, monitoring and identification, but also the management of identified threats to the marine environment. Also around the design of vessels in marine environment there are issues to deal with on product development…

Marine Engineering | 2015 –
Measuring Innovation Capability in Teams – MINT | 2011-

Measuring Innovation Capability in Teams – MINT | 2011-

Objectives: Innovation capability is important for industrial companies today in order to be competitive on the market. But the questions are first, how can the current state of innovation capability be known? And second, what need to be undertaken to increase the innovative performance? These were the guiding questions behind this research project being conducted at Volvo Construction Equipment regarding innovation performance in product development and R&D and to link activities to innovation outcome. Download Innovation Management whitepaper "Measuring for Innovation - A…

Design for Wellbeing | 2004-

Objectives: Design for Wellbeing redirects the focus of product development from technology-based development, via needs-based development, to participative product development and innovation. By adapting a multidisciplinary approach, involving health sciences and engineering disciplines, we are able to manage the entire development cycle from an initial understanding of users’ needs to studies of finished products in use. Design for Wellbeing is carried out in the form of research projects, application studies and student projects, building on experiences from research and education projects.…

Design for Wellbeing | 2004-

Finalized projects


CONVERGE - Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Today, approx. 6% of Sweden's local emissions come from work machines, where construction alone accounts for almost half of the emissions. For contracts that are completed in 2030 or…

DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate - Creative power for a democratic society DemoCreate är ett tvärgående, transformativt innovationsprogram för den kreativa sektorn. Genom att frigöra och förstärka den demokratiska och innovativa kraften hos kulturella och kreativa näringar är målet att bygga ett dynamiskt och inkluderande samhälle som värnar om alla medborgares grundläggande friheter. Arbetet utgår från att ett fritt och levande kulturliv är fundamentalt för svenskt välstånd och konkurrenskraft, och avser att bli en samlande arena för missionsdriven forskning, samverkan och utveckling i gränssnittet…

Model Driven Development and Decision Support | 2013-2022

Model Driven Development and Decision Support | 2013- Building an international research profile in the area of Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation at Blekinge Institute of Technology Project is finalized per 2022-08-31: Find full list of research publications from MD3S here. Find presentations from final seminar 2022-09-14 here.  Projektkurs 1: En imponerande utvecklingsresa – Reflektioner från BTH Experience Day Under våren har studenterna i Projektkurs 1 gjort betydande framsteg, visat stort engagemang och lärt sig värdefulla färdigheter. Vid BTH… Read more…

Model Driven Development and Decision Support | 2013-2022
VaViM – Validation of virtual models used for simulation of autonomous vehicle systems | 2022

VaViM – Validation of virtual models used for simulation of autonomous vehicle systems | 2022

In order to achieve scalability and robustness, verification and validation (V&V) of self-driving vehicle systems need to be largely performed virtually. This requires validated models on sensors, vehicles and environments where the systems are to operate. The aim of this pre-study is to identify state-of-the-art (SoA) and high-priority research questions within methods for validating models required for virtual V&V of self-driving vehicle systems within a fenced area, and to formulate a joint project application with identified key actors for further…

ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

Project ASPECT aims to, based on learnings from pilot Electric-Site, lift the technology to an energy optimized solution to scale in both volume and size. Focus for this project is within confined area. The project includes design of energy infrastructure, electric system on machines and site management system. Furthermore it includes validation of digital infrastructure for system, method and requirements on infrastructure, digital twin for energy optimized system and to understand if it is possible to increase energy efficiency by…

ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024
I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive industry. The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive sector. Maximizing return on investment (ROI) against these assets is crucial for maintaining a healthy bottom line. Additionally, minimizing the amount of scrap is necessary to become more competitive and create more sustainable manufacturing processes. In this context, I-Stamp project aims at drastically increasing the OEE (overall equipment effectiveness)…

Ligth2Sustainable – Kompetenscenter för pressnings- och formningsteknologi | 2021-2022

Teknisk utveckling och globalisering förändrar ständigt förutsättningarna för industrier världen över. Den senaste utvecklingen inom informations- och kommunikationsteknik har förkortat geografiska avstånd och öppnat nya marknader, vilket resulterat i uppdelning av produktionsprocesser i allt mindre beståndsdelar för att utnyttja konkurrensfördelarna på olika platser. Produktionen idag och i framtiden kommer att fortsätta att ske inom i stort sett sammanlänkade globala värdekedjor, vilket resulterar i hårdare global industriell konkurrens. Svenska industrier har hittills klarat sig bra i konkurrensen och för att fortsätta…

Ligth2Sustainable – Kompetenscenter för pressnings- och formningsteknologi | 2021-2022
Net based education for Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 – NU4DI | 2021-2023

Net based education for Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 – NU4DI | 2021-2023

The project aligns with the BTH strategy of enlarging the recruitment base for distance studies including national and international students, capitalizing on the engineering and pedagogical competencies developed during a pluriannual research profile on Model-Driven Development and Decision Support (MD3S). In line with the BTH strategic directions, the project shall be seen as the first step of a larger initiative aiming at the creation of a 60 ECTS on-line program offering high specialization in the field of Product and Service…

eTWIN – Digital-Twin enabled Transition into Electromobility and Autonomy in Construction Equipment | 2021

[kc_row use_container="yes" force="no" column_align="middle" video_mute="no" _id="219975"][kc_column width="12/12" video_mute="no" _id="604982"][kc_column_text _id="726753"]Concluding remarks Wrapping up the eTWIN project, with Alessandro Bertoni This project has demonstrated the capabilities of creating a digital twin of typical mining operations by combining the simulation of the energy consumption and performances of single electrical vehicles with specific productivity requirements and topographic configuration of the overall mining site. This allows the evaluation of the economic and environmental impact of the transition toward electromobility in mining, as well as…

eTWIN – Digital-Twin enabled Transition into Electromobility and Autonomy in Construction Equipment | 2021
PREDICT | 2020-2024

PREDICT | 2020-2024

Concluding remarks and results Public report (PDF) here Presentation (PPT) here Shafiq with the final results presentation of PREDICT. PREDICT has generated results and tools that are used to increase reliability of failure prediction of sheet metal forming simulation in finite element models (FE-model). The work in this project was focused to accurately model the effect of complex load cases like non-linear strain path (NLSP), stretch-bending and presence of edge crack in the formability of sheet metals like steel…

Electric infrastructure creation | 2020-2021

Concluding remarks This feasibility study, which was carried out in close collaboration between Volvo Construction Equipment, Lund University and Blekinge University of Technology, has investigated the conditions for carrying out major infrastructure projects emission- and fossil-free. Furthermore, it has also been investigated whether a decision support, which can operate throughout the value chain, customer, contractor and machine/system supplier, is possible to develop. In collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration and PEAB, the E20-Vårgårda road section was chosen to constitute the…

Electric infrastructure creation | 2020-2021
Blekinge Teknikaccelerator | 2020-2022

Blekinge Teknikaccelerator | 2020-2022

Samverkansparterna vill med projektet göra en kraftsamling i Blekinge för att bidra till att näringslivets förmåga till ekonomisk förnyelse ökar.  Projektet bygger på att utveckla och etablera en teknikaccelerator som ska underlätta för studenter, forskare, entreprenörer, intraprenörer, idéägare och företag med idéer till teknikbaserade innovationer att i en accelererad process utveckla och verifiera tekniska så kallade proof-of-concept eller minimum viable prototypes (mvp's). Gå in i Tech Concept Lab! Syfte Projektet utgår från ett av Blekinges styrkeområden, digitalisering, som pekas ut…

STARK – Skattning Tidigt av fysisk förmåga för Alla och Riktat stöd ger Kunskap och minskad fallrisk senare i livet | 2018-2019

STARK-projektet möter det globala målet; Framtidens hälsa och sjukvård. Hälsosam livsstil i medelåldern kan förbättra fysisk förmåga senare i livet. Detta leder till att individen får stärkt självständighet, ökat välbefinnande och livskvalitet, samt minskad fallrisk som äldre. STARK-projektets vision är att utarbeta ett e- hälsoverktyg för att tidigt identifiera åldersrelaterade försämringar samt bearbeta implementeringsväg så e- hälsoverktyget kan göras tillgängligt för befolkningen för att skatta fysisk förmåga och uppmuntra individen att stärka eller bibehålla fysisk förmåga. Redan vid 60 års…

STARK – Skattning Tidigt av fysisk förmåga för Alla och Riktat stöd ger Kunskap och minskad fallrisk senare i livet | 2018-2019
Center of Excellence – stamping (förstudie) | 2018-2019

Center of Excellence – stamping (förstudie) | 2018-2019

Förstudien kommer att handla om hur ett "Center of excellence" inom området stamping ska utformas och etableras i Olofström/Blekinge. Förstudiens mål är att arbeta fram en komplett verksamhetsplan för hur detta "Center of Excellence" ska utformas och etableras. PROJEKTINFORMATION BTH project leader: Prof Tobias Larsson Time span: 20180903-20190531 Funding: 800 kSEK (400 Tillväxtverket, ERUF) Partners:  Blekinge Tekniska HögskolaOlofströms Näringsliv ABRegion BlekingeVolvo Cars

LighTEST – Testbeds for future production of lightweight products using smart material solutions | 2017-2020

A distributed test bed will be developed for lightweight products with future demands for properties and circularity. Three sections will be developed and linked together in a cycle: A test bed for rapid development, testing and characterization of advanced materials and their ability to meet customer requirements at the component and system level. A test bed for rapid and accurate evaluation of recycling and circularity of design, material solutions and processes. A test bed/pilot plant for development of production methods…

LighTEST – Testbeds for future production of lightweight products using smart material solutions | 2017-2020
Test-Arena Blekinge | 2017-2020

Test-Arena Blekinge | 2017-2020

The overall strategy for the "Test Arena Blekinge" is Smart Specialization with a focus on the innovation potential in the region. The overall and long-term goal of the project is that the small and medium-sized companies in Blekinge in Marine Technology, Telecom / IT and eHealth should have increased their capacity for innovation and strengthened their competitiveness through collaboration and the establishment of three test arenas. The purpose of the project is primarily to create open test arenas in the…

Kortare ledtid genom avancerade verktygsstrukturer med fokus på plåtformning | 2017-

Projektets syfte är att minska ledtiden för pressverktyg genom ökad leverantörssamverkan och forskning. Projektet kommer använda och vidareutveckla en effektiv och tillförlitlig länk, istället för resurskrävande sammanfogning, mellan plåtformningssimulering och strukturanalys av industriella pressverktyg, samt utveckla riktlinjer för hantering av press- och verktygsdeformationer. Länken har varit väldigt lyckad och snabb då den har använts för vikt och styvhetsoptimering av pressverktyg. Dessa metoder är tänkta att: Effektivisera verktygsbeställningar och konstruktion av verktyg. Drastiskt reducera inprovningstiden av pressverktyg. Ge bättre och snabbare…

Kortare ledtid genom avancerade verktygsstrukturer med fokus på plåtformning | 2017-
Social Inkludering och Tillväxt i Blekinge | 2016-2018

Social Inkludering och Tillväxt i Blekinge | 2016-2018

Syftet är att starta en inkubator för arbetsintegrerande sociala företag i Blekinge. Verksamheten ska finnas i Karlskrona, Ronneby och Karlshamn. Resultatet förväntas bli fler entreprenörer, stärkt entreprenörskap och i förlängningen ökad tillväxt i Blekinge. Mål:  Att utveckla en inkubator i regionen som möjliggör för entreprenörer/företag i Blekinge att starta, etablera och/eller vidareutveckla hållbara affärsidéer och arbetsintegrerande sociala företag. Inkubatorsmiljöer kommer fysiskt att upprättas i Karlskrona kommun, Karlshamns kommun och Ronneby kommun. Att identifiera och sprida modeller, strukturer och arbetssätt för…

STOSIP – Strategic, Tactical and Operational implementation of Sustainability into the Innovation Process | 2015-2018

The objective of STOSIP is to support manufacturing companies to integrate and implement sustainability on strategic, tactical and operational levels in the company in order to be able to bring forward sustainable innovations, creating competitive advantages and increased value to its customers. Integration and implementation is enhanced with the ability to measure: maturity level of sustainability integration and management; sustainability consequences of different solutions, and then; quantify and visualize the progress of sustainability implementation. The project aims to support that…

STOSIP – Strategic, Tactical and Operational implementation of Sustainability into the Innovation Process | 2015-2018
ExDin III – Expertnätverk i diagnostik | 2015-2017

ExDin III – Expertnätverk i diagnostik | 2015-2017

I takt med den åldrande befolkningen och de medicinska behandlingsmetoderna utvecklas ökar antalet personer som är multisjuka, vilket gör diagnostiken mer komplex och krävande. Projektet ska ta fram en modell för hur för samverkan mellan specialister i diagnostiska nätverk kan gå från projekt till ordinarie verksamhet. Samverkan sker mellan fem akademiska parter, tre landsting och två företag. ExDIN III is the continuation of the ExDIN project into a phase C project in VINNOVA's Challenge Driven Innovation theme Future healthcare. Objective: Medical…

VITUM – VIrtual TUrbine Module demonstrator | 2014-2017

The aim of the project is to demonstrate how innovative solutions can be developed if traditional modular and component interfaces are challenged and to enable a hardware demonstrator for Clean Sky II. The project aim to develop and demonstrate technologies and capabilities that can be realized a s several components in a turbine module are functionallt integrated. An example is the "integrated plug" concept that is used to focus and drive progress in the project. Deliverables from the project is…

VITUM – VIrtual TUrbine Module demonstrator | 2014-2017
SåNätt – Collaboration as Enabler for Light Weight Vehicles | 2011-2013

SåNätt – Collaboration as Enabler for Light Weight Vehicles | 2011-2013

Objectives: SÅNÄTT is a collaborative project driven by the common goal of strengthening the competitiveness of the Swedish automotive industry through lightweight innovation. Academics, automotive suppliers and one vehicle manufacturer collaborated in the research and development of design concepts aimed to cost effectively reduce the weight of a classic family saloon by 20-40%. Increase supply chain collaboration to create new products and services that increase competitiveness. Enable organisations to efficiently integrate research in innovation, technology (with focus on light structures) into…

FI-STAR – Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research | 2013-2015

Objective FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1. It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use a fundamentally different, “reverse” cloud approach that is. It will bring the software to the data, rather than bringing the…

FI-STAR – Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research | 2013-2015
WIESD – Women at the forefront of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development | 2013-2014

WIESD – Women at the forefront of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development | 2013-2014

Objectives: WIESD is a unique program designed to foster Women's entrepreneurial skills, and to apply Innovative thinking and Sustainable Development knowledge in the creation of new business, the growth of existing business, and the expansion of women-owned/women-led companies. BTH project leader: Prof Tobias Larsson Time span: 2013-2014 Funding: 1 MSEK Partners: BTH, Region Blekinge Related links:

Decision Support for Sustainable Value Chains – DecSUS | 2010-2013

Objectives: This project aims to provide product developers with quick and cost-effective decision support to address product life cycle sustainability issues, thereby facilitating industrial ability to produce more sustainable and profitable products. This breaks down into the following project objectives: - O1: Explore the current state of art and state of practice within the fields of sustainable product innovation, product-service system innovation and decision support systems. - O2: Develop a method (tool) to identify, define and quantify sustainability/value integrated drivers for…

Decision Support for Sustainable Value Chains – DecSUS | 2010-2013
BESST – Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies | 2009-2013

BESST – Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies | 2009-2013

Objective: The Large Scaled Integrating Project BESST "Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies" aims to achieve a breakthrough in competitiveness, environmentally friendliness and safety of European built ships. Focusing on passenger ships, ferries and mega-yachts, the results will to a large extend be applicable also to other ships. A holistic life cycle performance assessment on ship level will guide the technical developments on system level, clustered in System Groups. The results will be integrated in virtual show cases (ship…

Strategic Research Agenda: LEADING INNOVATION: en nationell agenda för organisering och ledning av och för innovation | 2012-2013

Managing and organizing an effective and innovative product development for increased productivity  A company ́s ability to create new values is crucial to its success and its survival. These values are created by the products and services the company offers its customers. A major factor behind the value creation is the methods and processes that result just in the ability to conduct both effective and innovative product development. With a strategic agenda in this area, we will show the challenges…

Strategic Research Agenda: LEADING INNOVATION: en nationell agenda för organisering och ledning av och för innovation | 2012-2013
Strategic Research Agenda: Blue Energy | 2012-2013

Strategic Research Agenda: Blue Energy | 2012-2013

Blue Energy - Project Description for the development of strategic research and innovation agenda in marine energy. Blå Energi, en strategisk Innovationsagenda för Marin Energi. Ocean energy is an area with great potential to create benefits for the environment and climate, together with jobs and sustainable growth. Sweden has a unique opportunity to become a leader in this growing industry of the future. In order to succeed, besides political action in the form of long-term rules, increased collaboration between industry,…

Makerspace Youth | 2013

Makerspace Youth is a project aiming at enhancing the skills and knowledge of younger unemployed persons to make them; more attractive to the market; find interest in technology; try and work with new technologies.   Innovationsförmåga och entreprenöriell verksamhet pekas ut som vägen ut ur en global konkurrenssituation där låglöneländer attraherat industrijobb och produktionsverksamhet under senaste decenniet. För Sverige (ca 1700 mdr i export 2011, varav 1400 mdr relaterat till produktförsäljning) är det kännbart med minskad verksamhet i traditionella industrisektorn.…

Makerspace Youth | 2013
Center for Tele Medicine – Sustainable Products and Services within E-health and Tele Medicine | 2010-2012

Center for Tele Medicine – Sustainable Products and Services within E-health and Tele Medicine | 2010-2012

Objectives: The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products. This should be done by various pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios. Primarily this is done for the County Council of Blekinge but also other potential customers may be targeted. The project will create a technological-medical frontier area that can generate new business in Blekinge. BTH project Leader: Prof Bo Helgesson Time span: 2010-2012 Funding: 18 MSEK (9 MSEK from Tillväxtverket, 9 MSEK from partners) Academic partners: BTH. Industrial…

Wave Power System Development | 2010-2012

Project completion brief: BTH-PDRL-Project-OHT-completed.pdf In cooperation with Ocean Harvesting Technology. Participants: A. Berghuvud, A. Josefsson, C. Hedberg PhD thesis of Andreas Josefsson: Identification and Simulation Methods for Nonlinear Mechanical Systems Subjected to Stochastic Excitation

Wave Power System Development | 2010-2012
PrimCareIT – Tele-conferencing to fight social and professional isolation | 2012-2014

PrimCareIT – Tele-conferencing to fight social and professional isolation | 2012-2014

Objectives: The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products, especially focused on tele-consultation solutions. This should be done by pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios for  a future sustainable health care. The overall aim of PrimCare IT is to raise the attractiveness of remote primary health care for medical professionals by the means of tele-consultation and tele-mentoring. Thereby the project counteracts brain drain and professional isolation in sparsely populated areas for more equal access…

Quality of sandwich composites and composite-steel joints in response to fatigue, impacts, explosions, and design parameters | 2011-2013

Objective: Methods and tools for hull monitoring in composites ships, together with manufacturing methods for composites. These methods can be used for monitoring, at manufacturing, and for ships at sea, saving time in dock. Budget: 9 MSEK (KK Foundation), BTH 4.5 MSEK Time: 2011-2013 Partners: Kockums Karlskronavarvet AB (Thyssen Krupp), DIAB AB, and Baltic Engineering AB Main applicant and project leader: Prof Claes Hedberg Participants: Claes Hedberg, Babak Khoda Bandeloo, Oleg Rudenko, Ansel Berghuvud

Quality of sandwich composites and composite-steel joints in response to fatigue, impacts, explosions, and design parameters | 2011-2013
A Directive Sonar | 2009-2011

A Directive Sonar | 2009-2011

Project completion brief: BTH-PDRL-Project-DirectivSonar-completed.pdf In cooperation with: Kockums AB Participants: Sara Andersson, Michael Einwächter, Claes Hedberg, Hideyuki Nomura

Dynamics in Metal Cutting | 2009-2011

Project completion brief: BTH-PDRL-Project-DynamicsMetalCutting-completed.pdf Industrial PhD support: Sandvik AB STA participants: Martin Magnevall PhD thesis of Marting Magnevall: Simulation and Experimental Methods for Characterization of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems

Dynamics in Metal Cutting | 2009-2011