Marine Engineering | 2015 –

Marine Engineering | 2015 –

With over 300 years of naval history, few other regions beside Karlskrona has marine engineering in its DNA to such an extent.



With both the Coast Guard and the naval base in Karlskrona, it is natural that BTH invests in research in their areas of expertise; security, monitoring and identification, but also the management of identified threats to the marine environment. Also around the design of vessels in marine environment there are issues to deal with on product development scale around an organisation like SAAB Kockums.

When marine resource use globally today is largely made up of different types of energy production and extraction of raw materials for energy production, ABB and Roxtec make significant contributions globally, making support for these segments also important for BTH.


Based on a strong user needs profile of the local actors in the Blekinge region, making it possible to conduct applied and operationally relevant research in close collaboration with the actors unique test and test facilities including BTH will support a further development of these competencies. Swedish Armed Forces Diving and Naval Medicine Center (FM DNC) is one such unit of interest with unique test environments, giving opportunity for research and development in the field of underwater technology, if given the right conditions.

Our world does not end with a product or service on the market, but extends into end user performance. In the environment where BTH operates, several major players in underwater technology exists where the products or services output within underwater technology is not the primary driver, but rather operational execution and risk management.


Our aim is to perform research, education and collaboration in the field of marine engineering, with a specific focus on:

  • underwater technologies
  • undervater vessels
  • security, monitoring and identification
  • systems engineering and design
  • product development
  • underwater navigation

Research team

  • Oskar Frånberg, BTH, senior researcher, project leader
  • Mårten Silvanius, FM DNC, Industrial PhD candidate, Enhancement of underwater operations
  • Tobias Larsson, professor, product development and innovation engineering



  • Blue Science Park
  • FM DNC
  • ABB
  • Roxtec
  • SAAB Kockums


oskarFor more information, contact Oskar Frånberg (PhD),, 0455-385550.

Categories: Projects, Research