Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 20th June 2022
- 202410: VPSL hosted inside Karlskrona Blue Port Studios
- 202410: New projects with VPSL as infrastructure; 1) CONVERGE II – En lösning för energidistributionen inom vägbyggnation & bergtäkt 2) COLLIDE-XR: Collaborative Innovation for XR Accessibility and Development | 2024-2025
- 202409: Installation of the VPSL
- 202407: Contract signed with Blå Hallen / Blåport for VPSL installation, starting September 1.
- 202406: Procurement finalized and Creative Technology the winner of the 13.5 MSEK tech order, delivery expected in August.
- 202405: New projects approved that include VPSL as infrastructure; AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027, PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024, RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025
- 202402: Depeening the Virtual Production skills at BTH!
- 202402: Rebuild of BTH facilities to host the VPSL lab ongoing.
The project
The Virtual Production Studio Lab project is led by Blekinge Institute of Technology and will be a technically innovative arena and a place where the movie and gaming industry meets the traditional manufacturing industry and creates excellence in Blekinge. The VPSL will be the infrastructure foundation for a clustre within Virtual Production, and together with the business community do research and develop the technology, as well as create training courses and educational programmes to secure the skills needed around the technology.
The VPSL is the 4th iteration of the Model Driven Decision Arena that have been developed and used in industrial modelling and simulation projects, and now is being scaled up for use also with other disciplines as movie industry, game industry, marine technology etc.
Prototype installation – the MVP journey
During November 2022 to January 2023 the project had a prototype installation of the VPSL in order to explore what solutions and tech is going to be part of the final setup. This prototype have the following equipment and it was used to try out several scenarios via minimum viable prototypes (mvp):
- 10×3.5 meter curved wall
- 150 LED panels (2.5mm Absen Polaris 2.5 Pro V2)
- List & Label Report
- Novastar – LED Screen Processor – MCTRL4K
- LED Control Laptop
- Camera Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro 12K
- Blackmagic Design Video Assist 12G HDR 7 camera monitor
- Aputure Ls 600c Pro RBGWW Video Lighting
- Aputure Nova P600C RGBWW LED-panel Kit with Hard-Shell Case
- Qualisys motion tracking system MIQUS 3 cameras (12 units) and QTM software.
- Render node / Controller node computers with NVIDIA graphics
By doing several minimum viable prototypes (MVP’s) the tech specifications for the VPSL have been developed together with production flow process to enter into a mode of making choices for final VPSL. The aim for the final setup is a potential screen area of 150 m2 by use of 600 panels that can be configured in different formats, but where a setup of 20 by 5 meters is seen as the default, with also a moving panel of some 2 by 3 meters and potentital roof mounted LED’s too.
The final tech selection
Creative Technology won the procurement of the selected technology (per 202406) and in the final solution the tech are:
- 25×6 meter wall (8624 * 2112 = 18 Megapixels) and a 4×3 moveable wall
- 600 LED panels (ROE Black Pearl 2 Pixel pitch 2.84 M1515 1500nt – 500x500mm, 95W average / 190 W max)
- Brompton Video Processor SX40 x3
- Brompton Distribution Box XD
- Camera Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro 12K
- Blackmagic Design Video Assist 12G HDR 7 camera monitor
- Aputure Ls 600c Pro RBGWW Video Lighting
- Aputure Nova P600C RGBWW LED-panel Kit with Hard-Shell Case
- Render node / Controller node computers with NVIDIA graphics
- Qualisys Motion Tracking
- LED Control Laptop
- Truss
The facilities
The VPSL space is at Blåportsgatan 10 in Karlskrona. The facilites are 10.4 m high (floor to inner rafters) and the open floor is 41 meters deep, and 36 meters wide totalling around 1500 m2. Then there are meeting rooms, restrooms, showers, kitchen etc and a lounge area on second floor, of around 350 m2.
The VPSL will be used in digital twin research and the research agenda around sustainable and digital product service systems at Product Development Research Lab (Department of Mechanical Engineering, TIMA), and it will be used in connection to research projects like ViaTech with a focus on novel visual and interactive applications offering sustainable quality and enhanced immersive experiences, and also the HINTS: Human-Centered Intelligent Realities project, both with Department of Computer Science (DIDA) and Department of Technology and Aesthetics (DITE).
Educational connection
The VPSL will be used also for students in their educational programmes and especially within:
- Civilingenjör i maskinteknik, 300 hp
- Civilingenjör i marin teknik, 300 hp
- Civilingenjör i spelteknik, 300 hp
- Design av digitala och immersiva upplevelser, 180 hp
- Högskoleingenjör i maskinteknik, 180 hp
- Högskoleingenjör i teknisk spelgrafik, 180 hp
- Produktutveckling, 120 hp
There will also be indivual academic courses and shorter applied courses in collaboration with Hyper Island Karlskrona.
Project info
BTH project leader: Professor Tobias Larsson
Time span: 20220901 – 20241231
Funding: 18.9 MSEK (6 MSEK ERUF Region Blekinge)
- Karlskrona Kommun
- Region Blekinge
- Istudios Visuals
Related links
- 20241013: ”Star Wars-teknik” ska sätta Karlskrona på filmkartan (SR P4)
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- 20241011: The birth of a new Swedish film region – Blekinge introduces groundbreaking new production incentive (Nordisk Film och TV)
- 20241011: Banbrytande labb för simulering och visualisering på plats (BTH)
- 20241003: BTH bygger om padelhall till virtuellt labb (Universitetsläraren)
- 20240808: Karlskrona först med toppmodern filmstudio – i ombyggd padelhall (SR)
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- 202402: Deepening the Virtual Production skills at BTH!
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- 20221205: Unik virtuell filmstudio på BTH: ”Satsningen kommer att få stor betydelse”:
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- 20220909: 18 miljoner till stort filmprojekt – BTH vill samla filmskapare i regionen:
- 20220609: Miljoner till unik filmstudio – ”En stor framgång”:
- Filmnod Blekinge:
Related projects
- AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027
- PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024
- RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025
- CONVERGE II – En lösning för energidistributionen inom vägbyggnation & bergtäkt | 2024-2027
- COLLIDE-XR: Collaborative Innovation for XR Accessibility and Development | 2024-2025
- CiSMA – Circular Steel for Mass Market Applications | 2024-2028
- ADSUP – Advanced Contact Pattern Digitalization Set-Up for Stamping and High Pressure Die Casting Applications | 2024-2026
- Filmnod Blekinge:
- T.A.B – Innovation Hubs for Tech, Art and Business:
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