Monthly Archives: June 2019


ABSTRACT Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISE) are a particular enterprise form permeated by a so-called ‘double business idea’. Besides the commercial imperative of providing product and services, WISE offer employment and training opportunities for individuals considered less able to compete in mainstream labour markets. The paper argues that this multiple goal structure makes WISE an […]

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Newsletter: Delivering innovation and getting ahead! |2019:06

With Stanford/BTH ME310 and EXPE 2019 fresh in mind it is clear that rather than trying to guess the future it is probably better to create (design) it! Needfinding, relentless prototyping and experimentation will allow you to rapidly build knowledge around a problem and find ways of moving forward. Volvo and the BTH/Stanford student team explored and deliverd […]

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V-Com presented at Stanford University

V-Com, a precautionary system that communicates safety-critical information between truck drivers and vulnerable road users was presented by six final year MSc students from Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University at this year’s Stanford EXPE – design experience. In their capstone project, ME310, which runs from October to June, they move in a Design Thinking process through phases of needfinding, ideation, prototyping and more to arrive at a final detail designed product to display at the final exhibition, the EXPE.

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Modeling ‘ilities’ in early Product-Service Systems design

ABSTRACT Product-Service Systems, like all complex systems, are vulnerable to unpredictable environmental changes that can seriously undermine their ability to continuously deliver value to customers. The long-term consequences of volatile markets, unanticipated technologies, and unpredictable changes in society must be captured, modeled and communicated to decision makers since the earliest stages of the design, so to identify sustainable […]

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Life cycle simulation to support cross-disciplinary decision making in early PSS design

ABSTRACT The development of early-stage simulation capabilities is a critical step in the quest for ‘frontloading’ early stage PSS design activities, reducing the cost and risk for rework associated with sub-optimal decisions. This paper describes how life cycle simulations, based on a Discrete Event approach, can be applied to support cross-disciplinary decision making in PSS design, facilitating […]

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Bra med Best Practice!

BTH arrangerade “Best Practice, Pedagogy & Collegial Learning 2019”, ett tillfälle för anställda att kunna ta del av lärarkollegors kunskaper och erfarenheter gällande pedagogik och didaktik. Evenemanget var ett led i BTH’s utvecklingsarbete kring att främja den pedagogiska praktiken vid BTH.   Maskinteknik deltog med 4 av 14 bidrag under dagen. I workshop-form presenterade de olika deltagarna sina best practices för kollegor […]

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