Ongoing projects

AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make…

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PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024

PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024

The PROSUCCO project focuses on supporting sustainable Co-configurability of High Value Low Volume (HVLV) products in the conceptual design phase. The HVLV industry entails complex, flexible processes encompassing consistent effort in engineering to order. The PROSUCCO project aims to support…

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RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025

RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025

Resilience in electricity & charging systems - challenges and opportunities with marine public transport The project will investigate possible electrical systems for a transport system with passenger ferries in urban public transport. Investigate how a marine transport system can be…

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CONVERGE - Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced…

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DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate - Creative power for a democratic society DemoCreate är ett tvärgående, transformativt innovationsprogram för den kreativa sektorn. Genom att frigöra och förstärka den demokratiska och innovativa kraften hos kulturella och kreativa näringar är målet att bygga ett dynamiskt och…

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RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST is a five-year project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four EU regions with different socioeconomic…

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Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

News 202406: Procurement finalized and Creative Technology the winner of the 13.5 MSEK tech order, delivery expected July/August. 202405: New projects approved that include VPSL as infrastructure; AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027, PROSUCCO –…

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ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

The project will evaluate prospecting in lunar orbit and on the surface. The study will consider mining and construction capabilities as well as in-situ processing of resources. The project is funded by Canadian Space Agency. Project info BTH project leader: Professor Tobias…

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Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

The rock material industry is one of the 21 industries that participate and together these 21 cover more than 70 percent of the emissions in Sweden. Achieving the high environmental goals in rock material production requires not only a transition…

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ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

Project ASPECT aims to, based on learnings from pilot Electric-Site, lift the technology to an energy optimized solution to scale in both volume and size. Focus for this project is within confined area. The project includes design of energy infrastructure,…

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TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024

TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024

In the project we are developing digitalized services to increase the level of trusted decision making to optimise overall site systems in off-road transport applications. By developing data-driven models for real-time simulation and optimisation of customer site operations, combined with…

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I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive industry. The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive sector. Maximizing return on investment (ROI) against these assets…

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Investigation of the Product Design Process in Informal Microenterprises in Tanzania | 2021-

Investigation of the Product Design Process in Informal Microenterprises in Tanzania | 2021-

The products that surround us (e.g. furniture, bicycles, etc.) are outcomes of design processes. Product design is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence and creativity, attracting not only experts but also workers and self- employed without any formal design training.…

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Health and Sports Technology Initiative | 2020-

Health and Sports Technology Initiative | 2020-

In order to tackle the enormous public health challenge surrounding lifestyle diseases and an aging population, and at the same time creating the conditions for regional innovation and growth in health and sports technology, a regional long-term investment is started.…

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MakerTruck | 2019-

MakerTruck | 2019-

Update 2024! MakerTruck blir nu "Mobilt Science Center" och är under Kreativums flagga. "Kreativum Science Center startar upp ett mobilt science center för att nå ut till fler barn och unga i Blekinge. Med projektet Maker Truck Blekinge kompletteras Kreativum…

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Recent post title

AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity ...
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RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025

Resilience in electricity & charging systems – challenges and opportunities with marine public transport The project will investigate possible electrical systems for a transport system with passenger ferries in urban public transport. Investigate how a marine transport system can be integrated with energy storage and the power grid, and at ...
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PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024

The PROSUCCO project focuses on supporting sustainable Co-configurability of High Value Low Volume (HVLV) products in the conceptual design phase. The HVLV industry entails complex, flexible processes encompassing consistent effort in engineering to order. The PROSUCCO project aims to support the development of HVLV products by developing innovative engineering design ...
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RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST is a five-year project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four EU regions with different socioeconomic profiles: Southwest Finland, Central Denmark, Catalonia and Central Portugal.   Each ...
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ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

The project will evaluate prospecting in lunar orbit and on the surface. The study will consider mining and construction capabilities as well as in-situ processing of resources. The project is funded by Canadian Space Agency. Project info BTH project leader: Professor Tobias Larsson Time span: 2022-2023 Funding: $248,000 (Canadian Space Agency) Partners: Related links
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CONVERGE – Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the ...
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DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate – Creative power for a democratic society DemoCreate är ett tvärgående, transformativt innovationsprogram för den kreativa sektorn. Genom att frigöra och förstärka den demokratiska och innovativa kraften hos kulturella och kreativa näringar är målet att bygga ett dynamiskt och inkluderande samhälle som värnar om alla medborgares grundläggande friheter. Arbetet ...
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Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

News The project The Virtual Production Studio Lab project is led by Blekinge Institute of Technology and will be a technically innovative arena and a place where the movie and gaming industry meets the traditional manufacturing industry and creates excellence in Blekinge. The VPSL will be the infrastructure foundation for ...
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Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

This project focus on the system perspective and includes what a new disruptive machine concept and how energy infrastructure should be designed, focusing on productivity, flexibility, economy and the requirements of the electricity network
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ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

Project ASPECT aims to, based on learnings from pilot Electric-Site, lift the technology to an energy optimized solution to scale in both volume and size. Focus for this project is within confined area. The project includes design of energy infrastructure, electric system on machines and site management system. Furthermore it ...
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TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024

In the project we are developing digitalized services to increase the level of trusted decision making to optimise overall site systems in off-road transport applications. By developing data-driven models for real-time simulation and optimisation of customer site operations, combined with advanced data analytics, we move from the current experience-based process ...
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I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive industry. The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive sector. Maximizing return on investment (ROI) against these assets is crucial for maintaining a healthy bottom line. Additionally, minimizing ...
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AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity in background, knowledge, and expectations among the stakeholders, raises the risk of misunderstandings in communicating values and tradeoffs, leading customers to hesitate when adopting innovative and sustainable solutions. Extended Reality (XR) is a promising problem solver to make the experience with solutions and visual data more accessible. The offer of…

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AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027
PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024

PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024

The PROSUCCO project focuses on supporting sustainable Co-configurability of High Value Low Volume (HVLV) products in the conceptual design phase. The HVLV industry entails complex, flexible processes encompassing consistent effort in engineering to order. The PROSUCCO project aims to support the development of HVLV products by developing innovative engineering design and systems engineering approaches to consistently reduce the ad-hoc development and engineering-to-order activities by focusing on modular and reusable design configurations. The increased modularity in design is expected to consistently save time and resources in the conceptual design stage as well as allow a more efficient and less expensive re-configuration…

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RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025

Resilience in electricity & charging systems - challenges and opportunities with marine public transport The project will investigate possible electrical systems for a transport system with passenger ferries in urban public transport. Investigate how a marine transport system can be integrated with energy storage and the power grid, and at the same time be flexible to withstand disturbances. This includes energy efficiency, resilience, charging and land infrastructure. The goal is to increase knowledge about system limitations, requirements for the transport system and the electricity infrastructure in order to maintain transport capacity in the event of disturbances. As well as requirements…

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RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025


CONVERGE - Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Today, approx. 6% of Sweden's local emissions come from work machines, where construction alone accounts for almost half of the emissions. For contracts that are completed in 2030 or later, the Swedish Transport Administration aims that 100 percent of the total energy use for vehicles and work machines must…

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DemoCreate | 2023

DemoCreate - Creative power for a democratic society DemoCreate är ett tvärgående, transformativt innovationsprogram för den kreativa sektorn. Genom att frigöra och förstärka den demokratiska och innovativa kraften hos kulturella och kreativa näringar är målet att bygga ett dynamiskt och inkluderande samhälle som värnar om alla medborgares grundläggande friheter. Arbetet utgår från att ett fritt och levande kulturliv är fundamentalt för svenskt välstånd och konkurrenskraft, och avser att bli en samlande arena för missionsdriven forskning, samverkan och utveckling i gränssnittet kreativitet, digitalisering och demokrati. DemoCreate ska identifiera avgörande innovationspotential i den kreativa sfären och tar avstamp i frågor om skapande, produktion, spridning,…

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DemoCreate | 2023
RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST – Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology | 2023-2027

RESIST is a five-year project that has emerged from the need to make regions more resilient to climate change. The project will adopt a new practical framework in which climate adaptation pathways will be tested in four EU regions with different socioeconomic profiles: Southwest Finland, Central Denmark, Catalonia and Central Portugal.   Each region will test adaptation solutions to five key climate challenges: floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and soil erosion, and will bring together civil society, business, policymakers and the research community to work towards its future resilience.  Know-how and adaptation pathways will be transferred from the four demonstrator regions to eight twinned regions through mutual-learning…

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Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024

News 202406: Procurement finalized and Creative Technology the winner of the 13.5 MSEK tech order, delivery expected July/August. 202405: New projects approved that include VPSL as infrastructure; AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027, PROSUCCO – PRO SUstainable Co-COnfiguration | 2024, RECS – Resilience in electricity & charging systems | 2024-2025 202402: Depeening the Virtual Production skills at BTH! 202402: Rebuild of BTH facilities to host the VPSL lab ongoing. The project The Virtual Production Studio Lab project is led by Blekinge Institute of Technology and will be a technically innovative arena and a place where…

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Virtual Production Studio Lab | 2022-2024
ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

ISRU – Lunar mining and in-situ resource utilization | 2022-2023

The project will evaluate prospecting in lunar orbit and on the surface. The study will consider mining and construction capabilities as well as in-situ processing of resources. The project is funded by Canadian Space Agency. Project info BTH project leader: Professor Tobias Larsson Time span: 2022-2023 Funding: $248,000 (Canadian Space Agency) Partners: BTH Canadian Space Mining Corporation Canadian Space Agency Related links The Canadian Space Agency funds novel ideas for potential Moon infrastructure (2022-06-03) A Concept Design to Enable Lunar Mining (MSc thesis 2022)

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Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025

The rock material industry is one of the 21 industries that participate and together these 21 cover more than 70 percent of the emissions in Sweden. Achieving the high environmental goals in rock material production requires not only a transition to fossil- and emission-free operations, but also new thinking in terms of process and new machine concepts. The approach is to develop a new system solution for rock unloading that takes into account the boundary conditions that electrification entails. The long-term goal is to make the ballast production chain fossil-free. The subsystem in focus of this project is the process…

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Future Fossil Free Rock Loading Solution | 2022-2025
ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

ASPECT – A System for Electric and Connected Transport Solutions | 2021-2024

Project ASPECT aims to, based on learnings from pilot Electric-Site, lift the technology to an energy optimized solution to scale in both volume and size. Focus for this project is within confined area. The project includes design of energy infrastructure, electric system on machines and site management system. Furthermore it includes validation of digital infrastructure for system, method and requirements on infrastructure, digital twin for energy optimized system and to understand if it is possible to increase energy efficiency by using teleoperation. Aspect aims to design a system of electrified machines in a confined area. Together with partners in the…

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TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024

In the project we are developing digitalized services to increase the level of trusted decision making to optimise overall site systems in off-road transport applications. By developing data-driven models for real-time simulation and optimisation of customer site operations, combined with advanced data analytics, we move from the current experience-based process to a model-based process that will enable us to deliver customer value in terms of services and trusted decision support. Developed models will be tested in a realistic testbed for a final demonstration. The project will deliver in the short - and medium term in the form of services and…

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TRUST-SOS – TRUSTed – Site Optimisation Solutions | 2021-2024
I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

I-Stamp – Intelligent and sustainable stamping processes using hybrid control strategies together with process monitoring | 2021-2024

The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive industry. The machine tool investment for stamping (presses and tools) is cost intensive in the automotive sector. Maximizing return on investment (ROI) against these assets is crucial for maintaining a healthy bottom line. Additionally, minimizing the amount of scrap is necessary to become more competitive and create more sustainable manufacturing processes. In this context, I-Stamp project aims at drastically increasing the OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) of automotive big size press-lines applied for the production of large critical outer components and high strength inner reinforcements by…

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Investigation of the Product Design Process in Informal Microenterprises in Tanzania | 2021-

The products that surround us (e.g. furniture, bicycles, etc.) are outcomes of design processes. Product design is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence and creativity, attracting not only experts but also workers and self- employed without any formal design training. Although numerous people in developing countries design and manufact simple products in metalworking informal microenterprises, there is very little systematic knowledge about their design process. This project aims to fill this fundamental gap in design knowledge. The overall goal of the project is to investigate the design process in metalworking informal microenterprises, using a scientific method of ‘think-aloud protocol analysis’.…

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Investigation of the Product Design Process in Informal Microenterprises in Tanzania | 2021-
Health and Sports Technology Initiative | 2020-

Health and Sports Technology Initiative | 2020-

In order to tackle the enormous public health challenge surrounding lifestyle diseases and an aging population, and at the same time creating the conditions for regional innovation and growth in health and sports technology, a regional long-term investment is started. The initiative will coordinate ideas, skills, and resources in a complete ecosystem. In addition, linked to collaborations within Sweden, the Nordic countries, Europe and also the rest of the world. There is tremendous potential for innovation and growth in this area. Globally, health and sports technology is a large market with a great economic growth in Europe, and even higher…

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MakerTruck | 2019-

Update 2024! MakerTruck blir nu "Mobilt Science Center" och är under Kreativums flagga. "Kreativum Science Center startar upp ett mobilt science center för att nå ut till fler barn och unga i Blekinge. Med projektet Maker Truck Blekinge kompletteras Kreativum science center-verksamhet med en mobil verksamhet. Under 2024 genomför Kreativum tillsammans med Blekinge Tekniska Högskola ett Makerspace-projekt “Maker Truck Blekinge”, där Kreativum Science Center blir mobilt. Under året kommer besök att genomföras på skolor, fritidshem och bostadsområden och andra platser i regionen där unga finns. Initialt kommer besök genomföras på skolor i Karlskrona, Sölvesborg och Ronneby, fritidshem i Olofström samt bostadsområden i…

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MakerTruck | 2019-