
BTH ska stödja industrin i att utveckla hållbara lösningar

Extended Reality (XR), kommer att förändra våra industrier och påverka framtidens ingenjörer, operatörer och kunders arbete. Nu får BTH medel av Vinnova för att under tre år arbeta med hur XR ska kunna användas för att stödja industrin i att utveckla, testa, installera och underhålla system med denna teknik.  Sharing       

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New paper: Guiding Global Innovation Teams on their ExplorationJourney: Learning from Aspiring Engineering Students

A new paper by Jenny Elfsberg, Christian Johansson Askling, Andreas Larsson, Tobias Larsson, and Larry Leifer is in a special issue on Case-Based Learning in Engineering and Applied Science Education in the International Journal of Engineering Education. The research conducted at Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University explores the impact of problem-based learning (PBL) […]

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New water transportation research project

The Swedish Energy Agency has now granted funds to BTH to research a possible system for electric, and in the future also autonomous, passenger ferries in urban public transportation and commuting, together with the companies Cstrider, Affärsverken Karlskrona, and Actrify. More info on the project here: BTH press release: Sharing       

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AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity in background, knowledge, and expectations […]

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Incorporating changeability for value-robust product-service systems: an integrative review

Abstract The ongoing servitization journey of the manufacturing industries instills a through-life perspective of value, where a combination of products and services is delivered to meet expectations. Often described as a product-service system (PSS), these systems are poised with many complexity aspects, introducing uncertainties during the design phase. Incorporating changeability is one of the known […]

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Depeening the Virtual Production skills at BTH!

Generative AI Visiting and taking part at the Gothenburg Film Festival, BTH participated with an overview of application areas for generative video in movie production at Gothenburg Film Studio’s open film industry meeting, which this year focused on AI. Andrea Nordwall was the key person from BTH at the event. At the same event, BTH’s […]

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AI-Driven Comprehension of Autonomous Construction Equipment Behavior for Improved PSS Development

Abstract This paper presents an approach that utilizes artificial intelligence techniques to identify autonomous machine behavior patterns. The context for investigation involves a fleet of prototype autonomous haulers as part of a Product Service System solution under development in the construction and mining industry. The approach involves using deep learning-based object detection and computer vision […]

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Panelsamtal “343 år av innovation i världsarvet Örlogstaden Karlskrona”

Utmaningar föder kreativitet och kreativitet skapar innovationer. Detta har varit Karlskronas styrka sedan staden grundades år 1680. Den 26 oktober hölls ett panelsamtal om världsarvets historia av innovation och dess koppling till dagens utmaningar och utveckling. Paneldeltagare var: Tobias Larsson, Professor i Produktutveckling på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola; Ivar Wenster, byggnadsantikvarie och verkställande direktör för Ankdammen […]

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Congratulations Ryan Ruvald, Doctor of Philosophy!

Ryan Ruvald successfully defended his PhD thesis “Innovation in a Changing World: Exploring PSS Design through Prototyping” in front of some 50 people in the room and online. Ryan made a popular presentation of his research and took the audience through his findings and experiments and then landed in a summary of his findings. Ryan […]

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Congratulations Carl Toller Melén, Licentiate in Mechanical Engineering!

Carl Toller Melén presented his licentiate thesis entitled “Exploring non-functional requirements in digital Product-Service System design” in front of an +50 people hybrid audience of physically present people and online listeners. Carl made a popular presentation of the background of his research and the findings up until this point, where the servitization of indystry is […]

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