
BTH ska stödja industrin i att utveckla hållbara lösningar

Extended Reality (XR), kommer att förändra våra industrier och påverka framtidens ingenjörer, operatörer och kunders arbete. Nu får BTH medel av Vinnova för att under tre år arbeta med hur XR ska kunna användas för att stödja industrin i att utveckla, testa, installera och underhålla system med denna teknik.  Sharing       

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AXESS – Assessment in XR Environments for Sustainable Solutions | 2024-2027

The industry is challenged to comply with increasingly demanding societal and customer needs. Various stakeholders must be engaged throughout the development process. Models and simulations are used to assess new solutions and optimize current ones, foresee decisions’ implications, and make them explainable within the company and with customers. However, diversity in background, knowledge, and expectations […]

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Kick-down week in São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil – The international project team from this year’s Volvo CE Sugar project experienced a week of intensive collaboration at the University of São Paulo (USP). This special gathering followed a prior visit by the Brazilian team to Karlskrona, Sweden, and aimed to refine their final concept of solution for the project. The […]

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Launching a new chapter with Sugar

Having run 11 projects in ME310, the PDRL Global Engineering student project will explore innovation opportunities in South America and Sweden this year. A team of four BTH students will collaborate with three students from USP in São Paulo and Volvo Construction Equipment in Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil.  The Product Development Research Lab (PDRL) at […]

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Congratulations Ryan Ruvald, Doctor of Philosophy!

Ryan Ruvald successfully defended his PhD thesis “Innovation in a Changing World: Exploring PSS Design through Prototyping” in front of some 50 people in the room and online. Ryan made a popular presentation of his research and took the audience through his findings and experiments and then landed in a summary of his findings. Ryan […]

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Innovations in Construction Equipment and Trucking using a Biomimicry Approach – EXPE 2023

Recently, students from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden and Stanford University collaborated on a project focusing on innovations in construction equipment and trucking through the application of Biomimicry principles. Over a span of nine months, four students from Blekinge and six students from Stanford embarked on an exciting journey to explore innovation opportunities in […]

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Congratulations Jenny Elfsberg, Doctor of Philosophy!

Jenny Elfsberg successfully defended her PhD thesis “Innovation Engineering in Practice: Bridging Exploration and Exploitation in Large Manufacturing Incumbents” in front of some 60 people in the room and online and after thorough questioning by the opponent Professor Martin Steinert (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) and the grading committee consisting of Professor Mario […]

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Elektriska entreprenadmaskiner utanför elnätet?

Karl-Henrik, Hedvig, Stefan och Ludwig skapade tillsammans med Stanfordstudenter Nomad och Oasis – två enheter som tillsammans kan generera och distribuera energi till eldrivna maskiner utanför elnätet, till exempel vid katastrofarbeten. Projektet är en del av kursen ME310, en årlig kurs och ett globalt samarbete med Stanford University där bland annat Volvo Construction Equipment utmanar […]

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CONVERGE – Solving the energy distribution in road construction Sweden has committed to meeting the Paris Agreement by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2045. Transport in the construction industry, as a whole, uses 35% of global produced energy and annually releases 40% of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Today, approx. 6% of […]

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ME310 2023 kicking off

BTH is back again this year, joining forces with Stanford Mechanical Engineering and the Volvo Group for a final-year ME310 student project where we explore innovation opportunities within transportation and construction.  This year three Volvo entities, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Trucks, and Volvo Innovation Lab, have teamed up and challenged the students to focus on […]

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