
Investigating effects of group model building on sustainable design decision-making 

Abstract This research seeks to investigate the effects of a Group Model Building approach on the sustainability knowledge base prior to the weighting of design requirements. Current practice shows that the knowledge about sustainability impacts and implications on other design objectives often is limited and dispersed among decision-makers. Including sustainability criteria in needs and requirements, therefore, tend […]

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Design thinking approach and program outline

Shaping wicked problem solvers: innovating education programs through design thinking

Abstract: Societies across the globe are facing many unprecedented challenges; climate change, pandemics, and resource depletion, just to name a few. These societal challenges, the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and companies’ demands about knowledge and skills required from future employees have put pressure on academia to develop suitable education programmes in many disciplines, including product […]

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Stanford ME310 project wraps up with EXPE – Online

ReGlove, a circular solution for recycling and remanufacturing Personal Protective Equipment in the form of single-use gloves made from a special form of Polyvinyl alcohol. The solutions consist of machines that are designed to facilitate the loop from cleaning and sterilizing used material to a remanufacturing plant, where the material, in liquid form, is molded […]

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Byggen av papper drillar blivande ingenjörer

Att skapa fungerande maskiner av wellpapp, tejp och lim kan vara en rejäl utmaning som bjuder på många lärdomar för blivande ingenjörer. Förstaårsstudenterna inom maskinteknik och industriell ekonomi fick i uppdrag att på mindre än ett dygn konstruera, bygga och testa kastmaskiner.  Dessa skulle inom givna begränsningar i material och vikt  på bästa vis klara av […]

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V-Com presented at Stanford University

V-Com, a precautionary system that communicates safety-critical information between truck drivers and vulnerable road users was presented by six final year MSc students from Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University at this year’s Stanford EXPE – design experience. In their capstone project, ME310, which runs from October to June, they move in a Design Thinking process through phases of needfinding, ideation, prototyping and more to arrive at a final detail designed product to display at the final exhibition, the EXPE.

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Knowledge Foundation supports development of profile education in Mechanical Engineering!

The Knowledge Foundation (h has decided to fund the development of our MSc Programme in Mechanical Engineering (project budget of 2.7 MSEK). “It feels great that The Knowledge Foundation believes in us and the research profile we have in mechanical engineering! Connected to our research, and in intense collaboration with industry, we now get the […]

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New simulation course well received

To stay competitive we continually re-evaluate and improve our educational offerings. Among other things, that means improving existing as well as developing new courses. In recent years several new courses have been launched on master level as direct offspring’s of the research project “Model Driven Development and Decision Support”, the main vehicle of research at […]

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Madeleine årets lärare

Madeleine Hermann, universitetsadjunkt i maskinteknik, tilldelas utmärkelsen ”Årets lärare” av Blekinge Studentkår. Motiveringen lyder: ”Madeleines sätt att tänka på sina studenter är något utöver det vanliga. Hennes sätt att lära ut är både pedagogiskt och uppslukande. Hon ser till att vara tillgänglig så mycket som möjligt för sina studenter, vare sig det handlar om en […]

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