
Projektkurs 1: En imponerande utvecklingsresa – Reflektioner från BTH Experience Day

Under våren har studenterna i Projektkurs 1 gjort betydande framsteg, visat stort engagemang och lärt sig värdefulla färdigheter. Vid BTH Experience Day testades deras kunskaper i ett tävlingsmoment, där Lag A utmärkte sig med en imponerande prestation. Denna artikel summerar deras utvecklingsresa och ser fram emot deras fortsatta framsteg i kommande kurser. Under våren har […]

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Building Moonshots: 50+ Ways To Turn Radical Ideas Into Reality

ABSTRACT In Building Moonshots: 50+ Ways to To Turn Radical Ideas Into Reality, a team of expert innovation strategists delivers an exciting and insightful collection of strategies, techniques, and frameworks for scaling your next big, audacious idea into a concrete product or service. Each proven and tested strategy contained in the book has been categorized to […]

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New book “Inventing the Almost Impossible”

Our researchers Tamara Carleton and William Cockayne, together with Shaun West (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art) have now launched the new book “Inventing the Almost Impossible – Creating, Teaching, Funding, and Leading Radical Innovation” (SPRINGER: The book offers practice and policy insights into innovation design by gathering an intergenerational and interdisciplinary set […]

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Creating a Work Culture for Team Innovation and Imagination

ABSTRACT How do you create the conditions for innovation within an organization to truly unleash the imagination of teams? This chapter considers the real-world human factors and conditions that our experience has shown as critical for lasting positive shifts to happen in organizational culture. We present an organizational model for shifting innovation culture, highlighting several […]

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Big thinking in Blekinge: How do you build a Moonshot?

To celebrate the fact that the Building Moonshot book was released the event “Big Thinking in Blekinge” was held with Blue Science Park and Blekinge Institute of Technology as organisers. Authors Tamara Carleton and  William R. Cockayne, both researchers and senior lecturers at Product Development Research Lab / Mechanical Engineering, started out with sharing nuggets […]

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“Pricka soptunnan” dagens innovationsutmaning!

Bastasjö Friskola åk 5 var på besök med 25 kids som var sugna på förstå mer kring teknikens möjligheter. Under en session i makerspacet fick de av Professor Tobias Larsson en kortare inblick i hur teknikutvecklingen har gett människan en bättre tillvaro, men också vilka problem och utmaningar det fört med sig, främst kring miljön. Sharing       

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IDEA challenge – PhD Hackathon 2022

Three of our PhD students participated in the second running of the IDEA challenge – PhD Hackathon 2022. It is an event where groups of PhD students from several universities compete in a 4-day engineering design challenge. This year gathered teams from BTH, University of Bristol, NTNU of Trondheim, Aalto University, and University of Zagreb. […]

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