
Projektkurs 1: En imponerande utvecklingsresa – Reflektioner från BTH Experience Day

Under våren har studenterna i Projektkurs 1 gjort betydande framsteg, visat stort engagemang och lärt sig värdefulla färdigheter. Vid BTH Experience Day testades deras kunskaper i ett tävlingsmoment, där Lag A utmärkte sig med en imponerande prestation. Denna artikel summerar deras utvecklingsresa och ser fram emot deras fortsatta framsteg i kommande kurser. Under våren har […]

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New paper: Guiding Global Innovation Teams on their ExplorationJourney: Learning from Aspiring Engineering Students

A new paper by Jenny Elfsberg, Christian Johansson Askling, Andreas Larsson, Tobias Larsson, and Larry Leifer is in a special issue on Case-Based Learning in Engineering and Applied Science Education in the International Journal of Engineering Education. The research conducted at Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University explores the impact of problem-based learning (PBL) […]

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Kick-down week in São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil – The international project team from this year’s Volvo CE Sugar project experienced a week of intensive collaboration at the University of São Paulo (USP). This special gathering followed a prior visit by the Brazilian team to Karlskrona, Sweden, and aimed to refine their final concept of solution for the project. The […]

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Launching a new chapter with Sugar

Having run 11 projects in ME310, the PDRL Global Engineering student project will explore innovation opportunities in South America and Sweden this year. A team of four BTH students will collaborate with three students from USP in São Paulo and Volvo Construction Equipment in Sweden and Curitiba, Brazil.  The Product Development Research Lab (PDRL) at […]

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ME310 2023 kicking off

BTH is back again this year, joining forces with Stanford Mechanical Engineering and the Volvo Group for a final-year ME310 student project where we explore innovation opportunities within transportation and construction.  This year three Volvo entities, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Trucks, and Volvo Innovation Lab, have teamed up and challenged the students to focus on […]

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ME310 Convergence week på Stanford

BTHs team i Stanfordprojektet ME310 är precis hemkomna från ”Convergence Week” på Stanford University, där man tillsammans har jobbat med projektet och bestämt sitt slutkoncept som man ska konstruera till slutpresentationen i juni.  Årets projekt går ut på att utforska behov och möjligheter att ta alternativa energikällor till platser där man inte har lättillgänglig infrastruktur […]

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Produktutvecklingsforskningen med på IVA’s 100-lista 2020!

Professor Tobias Larsson och teamet kring forskningsprofilen Model Driven Development and Decision Support är med på Kungl Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA’s 100-lista för 2020! Forskningsprojekten på listan bedöms ha potential att utvecklas till innovationer, affärsutveckling eller annan form av nytta. Med på listan är även Sophie Hallstedt med den forskning inom profilen som är riktad mot Hållbarhetsdriven […]

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PSS Design for the World’s Large Market

Businesses are recognising and pursuing the opportunity to design appropriate products and services to serve the market known as the Base of the Pyramid (BOP) market — broadly defined as 4 billion low-income people in developing countries. There are many reasons for the pursuit of BOP markets. First, the BOP is the most significant and […]

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