
Investigation of Temperature Impact on Friction Conditions in Running Production of Automotive Body Components

Abstract During the running production of automotive body components drifts in theprocess window is seen causing problems with non-conforming parts. Up until now, these driftshave been counter-acted based on the knowledge and experience of the press line operators.This experience-based process control will however become more troublesome in the future asrecycled material grades will undoubtedly present […]

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Creating a Virtual Shadow of the Manufacturing of Automotive Components

Abstract Within the automotive industry, there is an increasing demand for a paradigmshift in terms of which materials are used for the manufacturing of the automotive body. Globalclimate goals are forcing a rapid adaption of new, advanced, sustainable material grades suchas the fossil free steels and materials containing higher scrap content. With the introduction ofthese […]

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Stipendie till maskinteknikstudenter i Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronans årliga utdelning

BTH Maskinteknik prisades i årets utdelning av Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronans stipendieutdelning för bästa examensarbete.  Martin Åkesson, VD Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan delade ut totalt sju stipendier (88 kandidater), varav det största om 50 000 kr landade hos BTH Maskinteknik. 50 000 kr: Jakob Nilsson & Isak Olofsson Civilingenjörerna i Maskinteknik Jakob Nilsson och Isak Olofsson vann 50 000 […]

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An evaluation method for experimental necking detection of automotive sheet metals

ABSTRACT In sheet metal stamping, the occurrence of strain localization in a deformed sheet is considered a failure. As so, sheet metal’s formability is conventionally evaluated using the Forming Limit Diagram (FLD), which separates the principal strain space into safety and unsafety regions by a Forming Limit Curve (FLC). This study presents an evaluation method […]

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Congratulations Alexander Barlo, Licentiate in Mechanical Engineering!

Alexander Barlo presented his licentiate thesis entitled “Failure Prediction of Complex Load Cases in Sheet Metal Forming: Emphasis on Non-Linear Strain Paths, Stretch-Bending and Edge Effects” in front of an +50 people hybrid audience of online listeners and physically present people. Alex made a popular presentation of the background of his research and the findings […]

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A Study of the Boundary Conditions in the ISO-16630 Hole Expansion Test

Abstract As new and more advanced sheet metal materials are introduced to the market, more accurate techniques for determination of failure limits are needed. One area that needs attention is edge formability, where the ISO-16630 standardized Hole Expansion Test currently is used to express this through the Hole Expansion Ratio. Over the years, this standard […]

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Research Spotlight; Alexander Barlo

Alexander Barlo is since early 2021 a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at BTH. He is working with failure prediction in Sheet Metal Forming (SMF) Accurate failure prediction in Sheet Metal Forming (SMF) is a core task for all Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) departments within e.g., the automotive industry. Simulation based failure prediction of the […]

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Ph.D. Student Workshop 2021

Research needs to be continuously challenged and disseminated to the public. Last week, four of our PhD students presented their research and progress at the 2nd annual PhD Student Workshop. The workshop offers doctoral candidates at BTH a platform to share their work, to learn, discuss, collaborate and to create a network among fellow researchers and […]

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