A Study of the Boundary Conditions in the ISO-16630 Hole Expansion Test
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 22nd February 2023
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As new and more advanced sheet metal materials are introduced to the market, more accurate techniques for determination of failure limits are needed. One area that needs attention is edge formability, where the ISO-16630 standardized Hole Expansion Test currently is used to express this through the Hole Expansion Ratio. Over the years, this standard has been criticized for producing a large scatter in repeated tests. This paper investigates a new setup for the Hole Expansion Test which introduces draw beads into the setup to ensure sufficient restraining of the specimen during the test in an effort to reduced the scatter. In total 62 tests of a DP800 steel alloy were executed, but a large scatter in the results were still seen. It was therefore concluded that a lack of restraining force in the Hole Expansion Test was not the primary cause of the reported scatter seen in other tests.
A Barlo et al 2022 “A Study of the Boundary Conditions in the ISO-16630 Hole Expansion Test “IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1238 012031 DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/1238/1/012031