An evaluation method for experimental necking detection of automotive sheet metals

An evaluation method for experimental necking detection of automotive sheet metals


In sheet metal stamping, the occurrence of strain localization in a deformed sheet is considered a failure. As so, sheet metal’s formability is conventionally evaluated using the Forming Limit Diagram (FLD), which separates the principal strain space into safety and unsafety regions by a Forming Limit Curve (FLC). This study presents an evaluation method for detecting strain localization based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) during the experiment. The commercial DIC software ARAMIS is adopted to monitor the strain-field distribution on the deformed specimen’s surface. A detailed analysis of the proposed method is presented considering Nakajima tests conducted for two automotive sheet metals: AA6016 and DP800. The identified FLC based on the proposed method is compared with that of well-established methods such as ISO 12004:2-2008 and time-dependent methods. For both investigated materials, the proposed method presents a lower FLC than the others.


Packaging Laminate, Fracture, Delamination, Constitutive Model, FEM, Uniaxial Tension


Quoc Tuan Pham et al 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1284 012020



Categories: Publications, Research