Volvo CE mobile app
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 11th January 2019
- No Comment
Programme: Mechanical / Industrial engineering, class of 2014.
Course: MT2556 Avancerad produkt- och tjänstesystemsinnovation
Corporate partner: Volvo CE
Challenge: Find a solution that supports the machine operator to understand the “small data” in a way that the data is easy accessible, informative and actionable.
Solution:An application for mobile phones, computers, and pads that shows relevant data that are easy to interpret. The app offers a customizable interface and functions such as GPS map, machine system overview, messaging etc.
Impact: The app facilitates the work of the machine operator by displaying informative data easy to interpret and to take action from. With sensors telling the app when, example, the hydraulics are under too much pressure, or when different parts need replacing, the machine´s service life is increased, as well as it´s efficiency. The apps storage of data can be viewed by sites around the world, and with massager it is easy for the different sites to connect and share knowledge and problems.
Prototypes: We made a simple app prototype in Adobe XD with different functions visual to show some of the end users. After showing the prototype for end users, we learned that the app needed to be easy to use, customizable as different users want to see different data and meters, and have a good looking interface.
Quotes from sponsor/partner: –
Project team:
- Anton Tuvesson, MSc in mechanical engineering with deepened knowledge in sustainable innovative product development, class of 2014.
- Fredrika Ljung, MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, class of 2014.
- Martina Lodetti, MSc in Industrial Engineering
- Timmie Abrahamsson, MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, class of 2014.