Physical Prototypes to Foster Value Co-creation in Product-Service Systems Conceptual Design: A Case Study in Construction Equipment

Physical Prototypes to Foster Value Co-creation in Product-Service Systems Conceptual Design: A Case Study in Construction Equipment


The paper presents the experience collected in a case study in the construction equipment concerning the use of physical prototypes for the development of product-service systems (PSS) enabled by new digital technologies. The paper firstly presents how a scaled physical prototype has been deployed to foster value co-creation with customers about the cross-disciplinary opportunity of the transition toward autonomous and electrical construction sites. Secondly, the paper presents the lessons learned during the empirical study.


Case study, Co-creation, Construction equipment, Design thinking, Digitalization, Product-service systems, Prototypes, Value, Conceptual design, Machinery, Product design, Case-studies, Cross-disciplinary, Digital technologies, Prototype, Value co creations


Bertoni A., Ruvald R. (2021) Physical Prototypes to Foster Value Co-creation in Product-Service Systems Conceptual Design: A Case Study in Construction Equipment. In: Camarinha-Matos L.M., Boucher X., Afsarmanesh H. (eds) Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0. PRO-VE 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 629. Springer, Cham.


Categories: Publications, Research