ME310 21-22 at ConExpo in Las Vegas

ME310 21-22 at ConExpo in Las Vegas

With the challenge of making alternative energy sources available on construction sites where there is no formal infrastructure, the mixed BTH and Stanford crew, together with Volvo Construction Equipment and Volvo Group, set out to explore solutions!

Entire crew at convergence week, at Volvo Innovation Hub 335 in Silicon Valley.

Arriving after 7 months at the Stanford EXPE launch event, the team delivered the “Oasis/Nomad renewable energy solution“.

Oasis and Nomad solution.

Following up on the solution, Volvo has continued to work with the concept, and at ConExpo 2023 in Las Vegas, the crew was invited to present the project to a larger audience in a live event, with a small diorama setup available in the Volvo exhibition area. Pre-event, a movie was made on the journey featuring the students.
“Change starts with Godson and Hedvig: A Volvo CE collaboration"

Read the full story on Change starts with Godson and Hedvig: A Volvo CE collaboration.

The virtual event presentation of the project is available here (registration needed), and on-site were Volvo Lab Hub 335 coordinator Maggie Oren, Stanford students Godson Osele and Alessandra Napoli, and BTH students Hedvig Ernst and Karl-Henrik Andersson.

The entire ME310 21-22 team

Also read (in Swedish) the BTH news “Elektriska entreprenadmaskiner utanför elnätet?" on the event.

If you want to know more about this type of global collaboration and how you can pursue this with BTH, find more info on our BTH ME310 page. The base is in Mechanical Engineering, so signing up for the MSC program in Mechanical Engineering is a good start; we also bring in students from other programs depending on the prompt to work with. In ME310 21-22 students from Industrial Economy took part; find programs here.


ME310 is tightly connected to the research done within the Product Development Research Lab at Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Some projects within the field are:

For more information