Attractive Museum
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 6th November 2020
- No Comment
History can be fun
Programme: Mechanical Engineering, classes 2014, 2016, 2017
Course: MT2569 Design Thinking
Corporate partner: Blekinge Museum
Challenge: The problem is that there is a lack of interest in museums and history related activities in the age-group between 15-25. There has been a lot of effort to bring in people in this age-group, but it’s all in vain. But having said that there is a lot of interest from young families and the older generation (40+ age)
Solution: The solution consists of three ideas that can be combined into a bigger one. The three ideas are event night, school activities and tipsrunda. All these ideas will have a common theme between them such as world heritage, archeology, boat & marine and more.
Impact:The impact should be that the solution leads to more people in age group 15-25 visiting the museum and helps museum to increase their revenue.
Prototypes: –
Quotes from sponsor/partner: –
Project team:
- Maher Daher, MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2016
- Usman Abid, MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2014
- Mohammad Aljabiri, MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2017
- Hussein Abdalameir, MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2017