Volvo CE Rainbow fleet
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 20th January 2020
- No Comment
Safety through vision

Programme: 2015 Master in Mechanical Engineering – Innovative and sustainable product development
Course: MT2556 Advanced Product-Service Innovation
Corporate partner: Volvo Construction Equipment
Challenge: Enable a collaboration between construction machines from different brand and different manufacturing year
Solution: A live tracking system that shows every moving actor on the construction site on a tablet. A system that also have features like fastest way to destination and daily task to be done for an increased efficiency. Customer that enters the site to be loaded with material must pick up a GPS puck to be able to be registered in the system and to be shown on the tablet for the manual driven machines.
Impact: The impact of this solution is that it increases the safety and efficiency on the site. By showing where everybody is at the site reduces the chans of a collision and the risk of getting surprised by anyone that can come from a blind spot. Also the added features like showing the fastest way if there is a lot of traffic in one spot will increase the efficiency as well and by forcing the customers to pick up a GPS puck to enter the site will make you have a better knowledge over which customers that are on the site.
Prototypes: We did a blinking GPS puck to illustrate that while the puck is flashing you are visible in the system. This prototyp was made of a 3D-printed plastic shell and LED lights controlled by Arduino. To be able to make this portable a power bank was used as well and fitted inside the shell.
Quotes from sponsor/partner: From Skanska quarry site manager: " An interesting solution that can be developed into a big system that can include many different aspects. The solution can also be developed into an app so you can be able to to see the site traffic in you phone. From Volvo CE staff: " A solution that has the potential to be combined with other safety solutions for construction sites."
Project team: Albert Eriksson MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2015, Timmy Sahlberg MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2015, Johannes Sandberg MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2015, Måns Jonsson MSC in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2015.