The Running Koala
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 5th November 2020
- No Comment
Transforming a site visit to an experience at the office
Programme: 2017 Mechanical Engineering
Course: MT2569
Corporate partner: Volvo Construction Equipment
Challenge: The challenge we have been given is to find a new and effective method for the Volvo Construction Equipment company to do needfinding from a distance.
Solution: A vehicle that has the ability to freely move around at a site and capture both video and audio data. The vehicle can be controlled from any place in the world with the help of a VR-system which makes it easy to control. This solution aims to solve the problem of not being able to access the site without having to visit in person or look at a pre-recorded video which has the risk of showing a biased view of the site.
Impact: The impact is that we made it possible to be off site but having the objective visual experience of on site personnel.
Prototypes: In a design sprint we conducted rapid prototyping which led us to build a prototype from existing materials. We assembled a radio controlled car, Lego and a 360° camera that we connected to a VR headset.
Quotes from sponsor/partner: The partner said it's important to think about how to manage data and consent and that it's important to use the intelligence of the users to annotate and summarize the captured information.
Project team:
- Josefin Molander, Mechanical Engineering, class of 2017
- Karl-Henrik Andersson, Mechanical Engineering, class of 2017
- Rasmus Linell, Mechanical Engineering, class of 2017
- Oriane Vandekerckhove, Industrial Engineering exchange student from EIGSI;
- Ane Monreal Aguirre, Architecture exchange student from Basque Country.