
New book on Data-Driven Decision Making for Product Service Systems.

Professor Marco Bertoni together with co-editors Giuditta Pezzotta, Roberto Sala, Xavier Boucher and Fabiana Pirola are releasing a book on Data-Driven Decision Making for Product Service Systems. It can be preordered at Also available as e-book: Marco here gives his view on the book. Why is this book needed? “We observe in our […]

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Towards Improving Process Control in Sheet Metal Forming: A Hybrid Data- and Model-Based Approach

Abstract Ability to predict and control involved parameters and hence the outcome of sheet metal forming processes demand holistic knowledge of the product/-process parameter influences and their contribution in shaping the output product quality. Recent improvements in the ability to harvest inline production data and the capability to understand complex process behaviour through computer simulations […]

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Welcome Roberto! A research exchange with data-driven PSS design in focus

Roberto Sala joins the Product Development Research Lab until the end of February 2020 to strengthen our research on data-driven decision-methods for PSS delivery. Roberto graduated in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and is now a final year PhD student at the department of Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering at University of […]

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PDRL organises Special Session at INCOM’18

PDRL and the University of Bergamo organise a Special Session on the topic of Data-Driven Product Service Systems Design (DDPSSD) at INCOM 2018. The session invites both theoretical contributions and industrial case applications, with the aim of promoting conjoint research efforts between data scientists and PSS researchers for the development of innovative practices, methods and […]

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