
New book on Data-Driven Decision Making for Product Service Systems.

Professor Marco Bertoni together with co-editors Giuditta Pezzotta, Roberto Sala, Xavier Boucher and Fabiana Pirola are releasing a book on Data-Driven Decision Making for Product Service Systems. It can be preordered at Also available as e-book: Marco here gives his view on the book. Why is this book needed? “We observe in our […]

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New book “Inventing the Almost Impossible”

Our researchers Tamara Carleton and William Cockayne, together with Shaun West (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art) have now launched the new book “Inventing the Almost Impossible – Creating, Teaching, Funding, and Leading Radical Innovation” (SPRINGER: The book offers practice and policy insights into innovation design by gathering an intergenerational and interdisciplinary set […]

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Högpresterande innovationsteam – steg för steg

ABSTRACT Det bubblar om innovation överallt. Alltfler förstår att innovation är avgörande för fortsatt framgång och överlevnad oavsett typ av organisation. Men nu är det dags att ta nästa steg – att få någonting gjort och dessutom snabbt och effektivt. I Högpresterande innovationsteam får du veta hur du kan skapa innovationsteam i din organisation, som […]

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