Sorting robots
- Post by: tildelarsson
- 5th June 2022
- No Comment
Sorting robots

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Course: MT1538
Challenge: Picking up, sorting and delivering unsorted balls using two autonomous robots.
Solution: A picking robot that dug up balls with a backhoe, then drove to the intersection of the track, where it then docks and unloads the balls into a sorting robot. The sorting robot sorts the balls by size using a chute with different sized holes in it, and then delivers each ball to the correct station.
Impact: Unsorted balls becomes sorted.
Project team:
Elias Forsenberg, André Glanvik, Civilingenjör Maskinteknik, class of 2020.
Olle Klasson, Samuel Larsson Sällberg, Högskoleingenjör Maskinteknik, class of 2020.
Categories: Education Project Portfolio, portfolio
Tagged: 3D printing, autonomous, lego, mechatronics, mindstorms, MT1538, Programming, Python, robot, Sorting balls