Mini-conference on Value Driven Design approach for increased value in industrial offerings

Mini-conference on Value Driven Design approach for increased value in industrial offerings

Welcome to a day at BTH where experience and knowledge from European aerospace development projects will be shared via the topic of “Value Driven Design”. 


Date: March 20, 2014
Time: 10.00 – 15.00
Venue: Multisalen, Blekinge Institute of Technology


10.00-10.30 Product-Service Systems for increased value creation in the industrial sector.
Tobias Larsson
Tobias Larsson is Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, and also director of the KK Foundation Research Profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support”.

10.30-11.00 What does VDD stand for?
Peter Hollingsworth
Peter Hollingsworth is lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at University of Manchester. He has long experience with research in Value Driven Design in the domain of aerospace.

11.00-11.30 Experience with VDD at Rolls Royce UK
Julie Cheung
Julie Cheung is Cost Engineer at Rolls-Royce UK. She works with methods and tool development in the Design Systems Engineering department, under the Product Cost Engineering group.

Lunch (not included, but available in the vicinity of BTH)

13.00-13.30 The future of VDD: A research agenda
Danielle Soban
Danielle Soban has a background from Georgia Institute of Technology and is currently lecturer at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace at Queen’s University Belfast.

13.30-14.00 VDD as a coordination tool in the aerospace supply chain
Ola Isaksson
Ola Isaksson is senior specialist at GKN Aerospace Sweden, leading research and methods improvement initiatives for Product Development. He is Adjunct Professor in Product and production development at Chalmers University of Technology.

14.00-14.30 Benchmarking design concepts with value in focus: a model from the EU FP7 CRESCENDO project
Marco Bertoni
Marco Bertoni is associate professor in product innovation at Blekinge Institute of Technology, with competence in Value Innovation and engineering knowledge management.

14.30-15.00 Communicating value in cross-functional design teams: the benefit of a color-coding approach
Alessandro Bertoni
Alessandro Bertoni is post-doc at the division of Mechanical Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology.

The above researchers are coming from two major research activities:

  • BTH KKS research profile with focus on model driven development and decision support in order to support industrial companies’ competitiveness. More info on MD3S.
  • VDD: A European network within Value Driven Design with focus of joint initiatives and knowledge sharing within the field. Mainly weighted on aerospace for now. Partners are: Blekinge Institute of Technology, University of Manchester, Queen’s University Belfast, GKN Aerospace, Rolls-Royce, Delft University, EADS Innovation Works.

For more information:


Categories: MD3S, Research