Makerspace on the road
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 3rd May 2019
- 1 Comment
During two days we put the makerspace on wheels together with Kreativum in order to bring the concept pf creation with technology to the younger kids in Blekinge County. We visited two schools (Kättilsmåla skola and Hobyskolan) and gave 4 makerspace sessions for kids age 10-14, and in parallel Kreativum gave 4 sessions.

Kreativum used the LEGO WeDO platform as a base for programming exercises.
We used the LittleBits platform as core in our sessions together with fast prototyping material (e.g., tape, glue, cardboard, wood).
After an introduction to what a makerspace is and how our makerspace (Karlskrona Makerspace) at BTH is operating, we dove into the challenges. The idea was to allow kids to form groups of 4-5 people, and then ideate around problems to solve and prototype, and finally for them to present their ideas and solutions.
Through all four sessions, the kids managed to quickly start experimenting with the LittleBits, to learn and understand what the technology does and can represent, then switching over to “solution mode” and starting to create. Alarms, cars, windmills, boats, a disco station, flashlights, the ideas and solution space was wide.
Reflections from the kids were that it was an extremely fun experience and many said they look forward to visiting and exploring more of what can be done! Since our mission is to lower the technology bar, and also to get more girls interested in technology and engineering, we see this as mission accomplished!!!
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