A Solution with Bluetooth Low Energy Technology to Support Oral Healthcare Decisions for improving Oral Hygiene
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 29th October 2021
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The advent of powered toothbrushes and associated mobile health applications provides an opportunity to collect and monitor the data, however collecting reliable and standardized data from large populations has been associated with efforts from the participants and researchers. Finding a way to collect data autonomously and without the need for cooperation imparts the potential to build large knowledge banks. A solution with Bluetooth low energy technology is designed to pair a powered toothbrush with a single-core processor to collect raw data in a real-time scenario, eliminating the manual transfer of powered toothbrush data with mobile health applications. Associating powered toothbrush with a single-core processor is believed to provide reliable and comprehensible data of toothbrush use and propensities can be a guide to improve individual exhortation and general plans on oral hygiene quantifies that can prompt improved oral wellbeing. The method makes a case for an expanded chance to plan assistant capacities to protect or improve factors that influence oral wellbeing in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. The proposed framework assists with determining various parameters, which makes it adaptable and conceivable to execute in various oral care contexts.
Dental Device, Oral health, Oral hygiene, Oral health information system
Aeddula Omsri Kumar, Flyborg Johan, Larsson Tobias, Anderberg Peter, Johan Sanmartin Berglund, and Renvert Stefan. 2021. A Solution with Bluetooth Low Energy Technology to Support Oral HealthCare Decisions for Improving Oral Hygiene. In 2021 5th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2021). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 134–139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3472813.3473179
- http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-22249
- https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3472813.3473179