Data analysis method supporting cause and effect studies in product-service system development

Data analysis method supporting cause and effect studies in product-service system development


A data analysis method aiming to support cause and effect analysis in design exploration studies is presented. The method clusters and aggregates effects of multiple design variables based on the structural hierarchy of the evaluated system. The resulting dataset is intended as input to a visualization construct based on colour-coding CAD models. The proposed method is exemplified in a case study showing that the predictive capability of the created, clustered, dataset is comparable to the original, unmodified, one.


visualisation, product-service systems (PSS), product development, data analysis


Wall, J., Aeddula, O., & Larsson, T. (2020). DATA ANALYSIS METHOD SUPPORTING CAUSE AND EFFECT STUDIES IN PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT. Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 1, 461-470. doi:10.1017/dsd.2020.123


Categories: Publications, Research

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