2016 China-Sweden workshop of future intelligent endowment product innovation design
- Post by: Alessandro Bertoni
- 2nd November 2016
- No Comment
How do we improve the life of elderly people by integrating smart products in their daily life? This was the topic of a 9 days workshop run in collaboration between BTH and China Jiliang University.
Between October 17th and October 28th, Alessandro Bertoni, lecturer at BTH, was invited as keynote speaker and workshop moderator at China Jiliang University in Hangzhou (China). The “2016 China-Sweden workshop of future intelligent endowment product innovation design” involved 19 selected students divided in 4 design teams.. The students applied different design method from needs identification (for instance interviews, surveys, tech watching and trend watching) to brainstorming and virtual prototyping. Three loops of improvement with the teaching team (Alessandro, Ms. Xiao, and Mr. Yu) and a number of virtual prototypes were developed before the presentation of the final result.
“It was a fruitful experience” says Alessandro “Both students and teachers where all industrial designers not accustomed to engineering problems and they were all positive impressed and inspired by the innovation methods that we apply at BTH.”
Different solutions to make the life of elderly easier have been developed focusing of different activities and part of the house. The final products span from smart home “elderly-friendly” systems to product integrating new functionalities and intuitive interfaces for bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.
More reading
- http://jlgs.cjlu.edu.cn/gs/redir.php?catalog_id=392&object_id=4665
- http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MjM4NDg2NA==&mid=2650150020&idx=1&sn=3f846de1a820abd7b06097128e7d780f&chksm=bea5a68b89d22f9d66100d2aca819815dd114e7adb83578fad5e79f7d2caf306e554e123183c&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1101foCGJkBdtXpO8JVK6iYg#rd