
New book on Data-Driven Decision Making for Product Service Systems.

Professor Marco Bertoni together with co-editors Giuditta Pezzotta, Roberto Sala, Xavier Boucher and Fabiana Pirola are releasing a book on Data-Driven Decision Making for Product Service Systems. It can be preordered at Also available as e-book: Marco here gives his view on the book. Why is this book needed? “We observe in our […]

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At the origins of Product Service Systems: Supporting the concept assessment with the Engineering Value Assessment method

ABSTRACT In recent years, the economic circumstances spur many companies inchanging their traditional product-oriented value proposition toward a more customisedand sustainable offer referredas Product-Service Systems(PSS). The main advantages of the new solutions are related to their customisationwhich cangrant an improved customer experience. However, while pursuing greater differentiation from competitors and ‘locking-in’ customers and ‘locking-out’ competitors, […]

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BTH PDRL at the 9th CIRP IPSS Conference

In their editorial, Tim McAloone, Daniela Pigosso, Niels Henrik Mortensen and Yoshiki Shimomura remind us that the philosophy behind in Industrial Product Service Systems is to create customer-oriented solutions that function for longer and thus increase resource productivity, minimise resource consumption and enhance the ultimate value-add to the end user. In this spirit, the 9th […]

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