
Randomised, controlled, open label, multicentre clinical trial to explore safety and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen for preventing ICU admission, morbidity and mortality in adult patients with COVID-19

Abstract COVID-19 may cause severe pneumonitis and trigger a massive inflammatory response that requires ventilatory support. The intensive care unit (ICU)-mortality has been reported to be as high as 62%. Dexamethasone is the only of all anti-inflammatory drugs that have been tested to date that has shown a positive effect on mortality. We aim to […]

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Stanford ME310 project wraps up with EXPE – Online

ReGlove, a circular solution for recycling and remanufacturing Personal Protective Equipment in the form of single-use gloves made from a special form of Polyvinyl alcohol. The solutions consist of machines that are designed to facilitate the loop from cleaning and sterilizing used material to a remanufacturing plant, where the material, in liquid form, is molded […]

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BTH’s visirhållare till vården

När BTH:s 3D-skrivare stod stilla kom idén att göra visirhållare – en av de saker det råder brist på inom vården just nu. I dagsläget har BTH levererat över 1000 visirhållare till vården. Studenter, alumni och anställda ställer upp och ser till att de 14 skrivarna inte står stilla. Nedan några artiklar på temat […]

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