Intentions and Inspiration in Shaping Visual Appearance of Products: The Practice of Professional Industrial Designers in India
- Post by: Tobias Larsson
- 19th April 2018
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Eliciting specific intentions and seeking inspiration are important activities in the process of shaping a product’s visual appearance. A survey of the professional industrial designers was conducted to identify intentions (e.g. attributes, emotions) that they attempt to elicit, and also to identify inspiration sources and their media that they prefer not only in generating ideas to realise intentions but also in analysing and communicating intentions. The findings indicate that the designers frequently intend to elicit some specific attributes and emotions. Regarding inspiration sources and media, commonalities as well as differences were observed in the activities – analysing intentions, communicating intentions, and generating ideas to realise intentions.
Jagtap, S. (2018). Intentions and Inspiration in Shaping Visual Appearance of Products: The Practice of Professional Industrial Designers in India. The Design Journal, ISSN 1460-6965, Vol. 21, no 1, p. 85-107. DOI:10.1080/14606925.2018.1396075.