Make the insvisible visible

Programme: Mechanical / Industrial Engineering

Course: MT2554 Value Innovation

Corporate partner: Karlskrona Kommun

Challenge: The purpose of this project is to make some part of the UNESCO World Heritage in Karlskrona more visible for both citizens and tourists. This project aims to make people aware of the culture that can be seen around Karlskrona in a way that will also benefit the incoming tourists and therefore put Karlskrona on a “world map”.

Solution: There wasn't a real solution before our project. We came out with a 3D-fountain which is able to reproduce the hidden building of Karlskrona.

Impact: The solution makes more easier to see and to know which buildings own to the UNESCO in order to improve the tourism and the knowledge of citizens about them.

Prototypes: We created a prototype using paper instead of water to reproduce the water jets coming from the sea. Also to demonstrate the possibility to realize the 3D projection on water jets.

Presentation file here.

Quotes from sponsor/partner: Partner was very interested in our solution and there is the possibility to make it real.

Project team:IE15, IE15, IE16, ME15, ME15