
V-Com presented at Stanford University

V-Com, a precautionary system that communicates safety-critical information between truck drivers and vulnerable road users was presented by six final year MSc students from Blekinge Institute of Technology and Stanford University at this year’s Stanford EXPE – design experience. In their capstone project, ME310, which runs from October to June, they move in a Design Thinking process through phases of needfinding, ideation, prototyping and more to arrive at a final detail designed product to display at the final exhibition, the EXPE.

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ME310 converging in Sweden

During the final week of March the global ME310 student team working with Volvo Group Connected Solutions met up in Sweden to further advance the project towards their final prototype, due to be presented in June at Stanford. The week kicked off with meetings at Volvo in Gothenburg where the students got insights into the […]

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Enhancing partnership between humans and vehicles in the connected society

Enhancing the partnership between humans and vehicles in the connected society is the  prompt for this year’s project in ME310. Automation, electrification and connectivity is changing our society. Volvo Group with Trucks, Buses and Construction Equipment are working with different and increased levels of these capabilities. With these changes, they want to understand how professional […]

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Design Thinking 2018

This year’s iteration of the Design Thinking course (MT2547) has completed with a Design Expo at BTH where the students presented and demonstrated their results to other student peers, teaching staff, and general public as well as media.  Design Thinking depicts an approach to product (and service) development that puts emphasis on designing with empathy […]

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