Digital Hardhat

Digital Hardhat

“Construction Site Safety Starts with Us: Hardhat On, Hazards Gone!”

Programme: Mechanical Engineering

Course: MT2569 – Design Thinking

Corporate partner: Volvo Construction Equipment

Challenge: Find ways to further increase construction worksite safety, and develop a high fidelity prototype that achieves that goal.

Solution: A software based application accessible on mobile phones or the web. The application ensures that construction workers are aware of local & relevant hazards on a daily basis and enables reporting of incidents or possible dangers.

Impact: The increased awarness of local and relevant potential hazards for construction workers would reduce the risk for serious incidents.

Prototypes: With the help of “Noodl” software development platform, we developed a backend database with report data. With focus on making the application intuitive and easy to use quickly, we also developed a frontend UI that lets the user access the information from the database as well as new data to it. We learned that the user experience of using a application takes a lot of time and effort to perfect, and implementations that to us seem clear cut, could be seen as unintuitive from the users point of view.

Quotes from sponsor/partner: –

Project team:

  • Edwin Östlund, Mechanical Engineer, Class of 2019
  • Joar Östberg, Mechanical Engineer, class of 2020
  • Paul Kan-Siary, Mechanical Engineer, class of 2019
  • André Glanvik, Mechanical Engineer, class of 2020
