Build Smart

Build Smart

Building a bridge between contractor and customer

Programme: Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Economy

Course: Project in MT2573 : Transformative PSS Innovation

Corporate partner: Volvo Construction Equipment

Challenge: Identify a problem within Equipment as a Service which lead to create better communication regarding the business model and educate customers about what it is.

Solution: The project resulted in a gamified solution in terms of a digital board game. Both a physical and a digital online version of the game was created. Further on a simulation performed in SIMIO was added in order to complement the game and show more of the economical perspective of different business models.

Impact: The gamified solution allows the user to learn about various business models through experiencing different scenarios related to construction work. By offering the game to end customers they can learn more about how Equipment as a Service works and what its benefits are in different scenarios. A gamified solution involves a user-friendly platform for learning since it encourages the user to test the limits of different business models and experiment with it.

Prototypes: We started by creating a physical board game using Canva to design both the board and the belonging cards etc. Moving forward we developed the digital version of the game using (

Quotes from sponsor/partner: Martin Frank from Volvo CE (technology specialist), our point of contact for the project, thinks that the game was an unusual but really creative solution to meet the requirements of the project. The game still needs to be tested by end users in order to validate it or not and develop it for the market. He also said that the game can be used for promotion during showcases, at BAUMA in Munich for instance.

Project team:

  • Petra Kawmi, Industrial Economy, class of 2025
  • Joar Östberg, Mechanical Engineering, class of 2025
  • Lisa Digout, International Student in Mechanical Engineering, class of 2024, Erasmus


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