Measuring Innovation workshop at Innovation in Mind

Measuring Innovation workshop at Innovation in Mind

The conference Innovation in Mind is in its 4th year and continues to attract a diverse audience that is eager to become innovative in their daily working life. The conference had inspiring key note speakers, and a number of workshops which were hosted in parallel sections.

 Andre Benaim (BTH, Product Development Research Lab) is introducing the workshop session
Andre Benaim (BTH, Product Development Research Lab) is introducing the workshop session

BTH was represented by Andre Benaim (research assistant), who works together with Prof. Tobias Larsson, one of their focus is to develop innovation capabilities in product development companies, as well as, forms of addressing innovative work. The team was responsible to conduct a workshop based on the framework for Measuring innovation in Teams (MINT) that is ongoing research.

“It was a great experience to conduct the workshop. People were interested and appreciated the framework, as well as, the proposed exercise. We got a few contacts out of it. I feel it was a great outcome”, says Andre Benaim in response to the workshop

Current students and alumni were also at the event, one of them the MSPI alumni Babak Kianian. “Talking with participants over the break one could see how much experience and knowledge they had”. Andre had the same impression; “There is a lot of people doing good work, and many synergistic meetings, I am looking forward to following up with the contacts made here”.

It seems that Innovation in Mind has established itself among innovation conferences. If you haven’t had a change to attend this one, let’s see what next edition bring us!

Related information

For more information, contact Professor Tobias C. Larssontobias.larsson@bth.seProduct Development Research Lab.


Categories: News, Research